3-6 players
Nightbane house rules, character creation, etc.
DM: Borger
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General Disarray
Game Master
Posts: 174
Joined: Sat Aug 06, 2022 1:41 pm


Post by General Disarray »


1: CONCPPT APPROVAL: Submit R.C.C, Race/O.C.C., or R.C.C./O.C.C. Once approved move to step two.
  • HUMANS - Roll 4d6 and drop the lowest dice eight times.

    Code: Select all

    If the total is 16 or higher rol and exploding d6.

    Code: Select all

    The stats for a human can not be greater than 30 from exploding dice. Once you have your totals then assign the numbers as you see fit to each Attribute.
  • NON-HUMANS - Roll indicated number of dice for each attribute adding one dice and dropping the lowest. For Example: A Werepanther rolls 4d6 for PP. So you will roll 5d6 and drop the lowest die.

    Code: Select all

    . Note racial attributes that share the same number of dice can be rolled and then assigned. For example the aforementioned Werepanther rolls 4d6 for ME, PS, PP, PE, and PB. When creating the Werepanther you can roll the 5d6-L five times and assign the results between those five attributes addinmg any numbers to the rolls indicated by the Races attribute instructions.
3. CHOOSE OCC: When Applicable.

4. CHOOSE SKILLS: Determine percentages.

5. BONUSES: Apply Race, R.C.C., and/or O.C.C. Apply Skill Bonuses. Apply Attribute Bonuses.

6. INSANITY: If ME is 16 or greater, roll an insanity save, or spend PP for an automatic success (see PP menu). If ME is less than 16 you must choose 3 insanities for consideration with brief synopsis of how it will affect your character. The GM will choose the one that gets applied.

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