Revenants OOC Chat

The 40-4th Coalition States Special Operations Group.
GM: CS High Command
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Revenants OOC Chat

Post by CS High Command »

Conduct your OOC chat here.

This thread is subject to pruning.
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
"Yippee-ki-yay magic lovers." Lt. John Freeman, CS110 at the Socorro Skirmish of May 110PA
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Re: Nightstalkers OOC Chat

Post by CS High Command »

New year, Newly returned to the game after a much needed break (both for work and family), so I figured I'd condense some of the previous posts I'd been keeping in the OOC chatter box here into a single post.

To describe my GM style is very simple. I am the narrator, not the author. We, collectively, are the author, and every aspect of your character's past, present and future matters to the story. I enjoy combat as much as the next guy, but I am not going to draw out combats, especially if your planning and execution leads to an easy victory. That doesn't mean your combat posts don't mean anything - quite the contrary. But it does mean that I am not going to draw out combats until you eliminate every last MDC of an opponent. It does mean you will be dealing with enemies who surrender, and the moral quandaries thereof. I will enforce alignments to the degree that it matters. And you're much more likely to get an insanity than you are a full on alignment change. Alignment changes are not subtle things, and they are not something that just happens. I am, however, out to destroy your stuff and grind you into the dirt. Not kill you (though it can happen). just grind you up and make you wish you were dead. If you have to regularly replace your gear, I have done my job. You are a small squad. That will work against you as much as it works for you. You also have one advantage no one else does - the wealth of the CS at your back. Hoorah! That counts for something.

One thing I've discovered is that the CS actually has to have a world class set of psychological counselors who can help soldiers through everything from doubt about their purpose, dealing with the inhuman and unnatural, dealing with psychic powers, dealing with the dehumanizing aspects of cybernetic implants, etc. That doesn't mean you get a free ride on insanities, it just means that you can, eventually, get over them. As such regular trips to psychs with security clearance higher than any of your character's aspirations would be mandated.

Rather than play it out, I'd like to see you use it as a narrative tool. An after action report or a diary (written or verbal) also works, as does simply talking about it to someone. You don't have to go all the way back (though I will hand out rewards for folks who do), but adding your own perceptions of the last mission would be a really good way of remembering it and immortalizing what you thought was the coolest part. It can be a few sentences or a few pages. In the future I'd like to see it for my own adventures - both so I can see what you got out of it, and so I can see what you REALLY like. Think of it as in character feedback. :)

It's things like this that help keep continuity, and allow me to let you advance in experience just a bit faster without being Santa GM. After all, you'll earn every single XP I reward you with.

If you want a good idea of the feel I'm personally going for, then you should watch Generation Kill, and then remove the uniforms and give them undercover IDs. Part of the reality of military units is once you take out the command personnel, they have only existing orders to go on and discipline often breaks down. They are, after all, working towards one goal in a rather single-minded way. That's actually why I like the para-military or military type game as a GM. I can put a goal in front of you, and then be relatively assured that you'll work towards that goal, instead of whatever willy-nilly comes your way ("screw that, I like this idea better, let's go that way!"). For instance, in this case, absent the reason to go to Arizona, the group could turn and escort the approaching civilians to safety, protecting them from the Apaches whose territory they are traveling through. But that would really put a damper on the story as a whole, and ruin the momentum (I know it doesn't seem like it, but I am moving you guys towards your goal - there are just road-blocks along the way). But because you have overriding orders, the group will move forward, probably after settling the present situation (and no, meeting our two new players isn't the situation, as you'll see soon enough).

Killing other PCs should only be used in extreme cases. And while yes, Ford did blow up another PC, the overwhelming feeling I got from that was that he was far from the only one who had plans in that direction. A case of a problem player character taking care of itself. PAS had a similar problem character that managed to get himself banished to another dimension. Don't mess with a dragon, especially a dragon from Lazlo. :)

I don't mind a bit of interparty disunity, as long as it goes towards an overall enjoyable story for everyone. At some point there should be a point where at least mutual respect brings the vitriol down to a dull roar (or muttered comments), but that won't happen quickly or easily.
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
"Yippee-ki-yay magic lovers." Lt. John Freeman, CS110 at the Socorro Skirmish of May 110PA
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House Rules

Post by CS High Command »

I need everyone to make sure that if you don't have Military Etiquette on your sheet that it's put on there now please. If you have the skill, then you use that percentage. if you don't have the skill, fear not. All soldiers have the Military Etiquette skill at 30% (as per the skill description). If you're requesting things, you're rolling that skill. How badly you fail or how well you succeed determines what you get and when.

Also, as a bit of a house rule, the Military Etiquette skill allows you to navigate menus on standard CS electronics. THink of it as being able to read the menus on an Xbox or PS3. you know basic words, but beyond that, you're hopeless. Part of the thing I completely reject from the books is that a modern force can function without SOME measure of literacy. That said, I think many soldiers are functionally illiterate. They can get through menus, especially with accompanying visual and audio cues, and they can read names and the like, at least the simpler ones, and they recognize ranks, common signs (Mess, Gym, etc), but would have trouble reading a Curious George book. Basically if you are illiterate and need to understand somethign within the purview of your job (the video manual for cleaning your gun, for instance), then you can roll Military Etiquette for that as well. Don't expect that from any other GM, but I personally can't stand the concept that soldiers can't read "front towards enemy" on a claymore. It's actually worse in the Navy than the Army, and far worse for spec ops groups like yours.

in general you can ALWAYS say "I'm at Coordinates x,y,z, mark (0-9,A-F) and be fine. Also include landmarks (("i'm xx minutes out of the ruins of (city), approaching from the northwest.")) If you care you can always look locations up on google maps, triple your time to get to a distance and then round up to the nearest 5 minute, and you've got a good idea of where you are.

In case it wasn't clear the two groups are about to run up on one another.

The CS has access to all old maps for the USA, including those going back to the 1700s - the start of their power was the Library of Chi-Town after all. They use the ruins of towns and cities as landmarks, unless a new settlement has popped up there, in which case they use the new name instead (or in parenthesis; aka Merctown (Paduca)).
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
"Yippee-ki-yay magic lovers." Lt. John Freeman, CS110 at the Socorro Skirmish of May 110PA
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Re: Nightstalkers OOC Chat

Post by CS High Command »

You probably noted the After Action Reports thread. I (and our AGM) will be adding to it as we have time, based on the old adventure archives. Want some extra XP? I could really use some military style reports on what has happened. Post them as replies to the After Action Report Thread. I'm working on a form for it. Possible subjects are listed in each of the main threads there. I will add them in those threads later on. Be brief. It's an after action report, not a full debrief. This is the sort of thing that makes officers in debrief ask questions, asking you to clarify what has happened.

Every one you do is worth 50 XP. And you are welcome to dig back through the adventure archives and work on some of those too. We'll award the XP every quadrimester, based on which ones were added to the AAR thread by myself or our AGM. Whoever posts the most in a quadrimester (approved topics only, one per topic) will get a fat shiny PP from me.

In character, only Officers would have access to these, but I want to create a lasting sense of "what has come before" with this that every player can appreciate.
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
"Yippee-ki-yay magic lovers." Lt. John Freeman, CS110 at the Socorro Skirmish of May 110PA
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Re: Nightstalkers OOC Chat

Post by CS High Command »

You can do the skill advances, combat bonus advances, and hit points, but hold off on choosing skills.

Rules to Obtain Advanced Training for Existing Characters (Page 80-81 of Heroes of Humanity)

1 . The character must be 3rd level or higher. Only characters who have already proven themselves are considered worthy of AT. Most armies do not waste the time and expense for AT on a green recruit (a first or second level character). The exceptions being first level characters who are commissioned officers (have gone through military school and officer's training, and start with a rank of Lieutenant) and special forces operatives (CS Military Specialist, Commando, Ranger, Black Talon/SAMAS, Death Knight/Demon Hunter, Fly Boy Ace, and Nautical Commando), all of whom can receive Advanced Trai ning (AT) at any level, starting at level one.

2. The character must possess the necessary attribute requirements for the AT, or come close to them. If the character meets the attribute requirements, he can upgrade by selecting one of the AT options available under an Advanced Training program. provided he satisfies the other possible conditions.
  • Cheating Attribute Requirements: If a character has attributes that are only one or two points off (e.g. needs a P.E. of 12 but has a 10), he can still take the Advanced Training and learn the new skill set. Determination and heart can make up for a lot. However, there are some modifiers for failing to meet all the attribute requirements, even when only one attribute falls short.
    Penalties for falling short of one or more attribute requirements: Soldiers who fall just shy of any attribute requiremems - whether it be only one attribute or several - see ALL bonuses from that Advanced Training (AT) reduced by ha/f (round up). This includes skill bonuses, S.D.C. bonus, attribute bonuses, Perception bonuses, combat bonuses (to strike, parry, save vs Horror Factor), etc.; round up except for bonuses of one. Remember, the attribute requirement can only be short by as much as two points per each attribute required. If the deficit is greater, the character cannot select that category of AT. Sorry.
3. Trading the future for now. The character must have at least FOUR O.C.C. Related Skills available to trade from future level increases. These four Related O.C.C. Related Skills are forfeited in favor of ONE Advanced Training skill set now! As many as TWO AT packages can be selected, each costing four future O.C.C. Related Skills (sec #5 for details).
Another way! Characters who do not have four O.C.C. Related Skills available in the future may choose to sacrifice FIVE currently existing skills (any skills; including current Secondary Skills) for one new, AT MOS skill set.
The old skills sacrificed (probably ones the character seldom uses) are, in effect, forgotten. In a pinch, however, these "rusty" old skills can be attempted at the Base Skill proficiency listed for it, WITHOUT benefit of any bonuses the character may have acquired before his AT replaced them; not bonuses for level advancement/experience, not O.C.C. bonuses, nothing, except a bonus for a high I.Q. attribute can be applied to old skills.
  • GM Note: We will not be using the sacrifice method, instead you may purchase 2 OCC related and 3 secondary skills via EP, or use them in combination with future sacrifices to reach those numbers)
4. A new skill set and/or abilities. When Advanced Training (AT) is completed, the character possesses one (or two) new, specialized AT set of skills and any bonuses and special AT abilities that may come with it. New AT skills start at Level One proficiency plus any applicable bonuses, regardless of the character's previous experience.
They improve with experience as normal, starting with the next level achieved. This may mean the new skills advance more slowly, but most start with a higher bonus. Duplicate skills from Advanced Training: If Advanced Training provides one or more skills the character already knows, or which are included in another AT, the Advanced Training gives the character a deeper understanding and expanded range of information, and earns him the additional skill bonus provided by the AT. Note: When a character has to trade away skilis to get Advanced Training. he cannot trade away any skill he knows is going to be duplicated. It must be kept and he gets the skill bonus from AT as an extra bonus. This bonus is in addition to all other applicable bonuses, which can be considerable.
Special training. special missions: The AT skills may be very different than those possessed by other characters with the same O.C.C. As a result, characters with AT are more likely to be assigned to special operations and missions.
5. Two AT now, or one now and one later? An established character may only receive two AT choices, maximum, in his lifetime. Generally, an established character takes only one Advanced Training Program now, and saves one for the future. However. if the player so desires, and the G.M. allows it, he can choose two AT options at the same ti rne, each adding to the length of training. This also means an additional FIVE current skills- 10 total - must be sacrificed now, in order to take two AT now. Additional Advanced Training in the future is no longer an option.
6. Rank (when applicable). Advanced Training often, but not always. raises the rank of non-commissioned soldiers to the next level. A Private becomes a Corporal. a Corporal becomes a Sergeant. a Sergeant becomes a Staff Sergeant, a Staff Sergeant becomes a Sergeant 1st Class. then Master Sergeant, and so on, stopping at Warrant Officer. Any higher rank for non-coms in the Coalition Army are field commissions and seldom go beyond Sergeant Major.
It is a different story for commissioned officers, who come out of Officers' School with the rank of 2nd Lieutenant (the lowest commissioned rank) or 1st Lieutenant whether they have had specialized Advanced Training or not.

List of Advanced Training Programs
  • Black Talon (SAMAS & Fliers) - 12 weeks
    • Elite Pilot
      Top Gun Ace
    Close Quarters Combat - 12 weeks
    Demon Hunter - 32 weeks/16 week crash course
    Field Counter-Intelligence - 42 weeks/16 week crash course
    Field Intelligence - 42 weeks/16 week crash course
    Marksmanship - 12 weeks
    Martial Expert - 20 weeks
    Nonhuman Studies (D-Bee Hunter) - 32 weeks/16 week crash course
    Officer - 42 weeks/16 week crash course
    Ordnance - 16 weeks
    Rescue - 12 weeks
    Salvage Expert - 8 weeks
    Spycraft - 36 weeks/16 week crash course
    Stalking - 16 weeks
    Stealth - 16 weeks
    Steel Armor (Robot & Power Armor) - 12 weeks
    Survival - 12 weeks
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
"Yippee-ki-yay magic lovers." Lt. John Freeman, CS110 at the Socorro Skirmish of May 110PA
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Re: Nightstalkers OOC Chat

Post by CS High Command »

Also keep in mind there will be a post mission cleanout of all assigned and group gear. All that will be left on your sheets will be any gear you own yourself. Same for the catchall and such. The only exception will be the Nighthawk - largely because no one will have a clue what to do with it.

So make sure anything on your sheets that you own is clearly marked. If in doubt, we will ask first.
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
"Yippee-ki-yay magic lovers." Lt. John Freeman, CS110 at the Socorro Skirmish of May 110PA
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Merchant of Death

Re: Nightstalkers OOC Chat

Post by Merchant of Death »

Last time to get your posts in. I close the window at midnight pacific time.

I've tallied up to early may and we have 2 people definitely leveling, possibly a third (looks at (Karl)
Merchant of Death

Re: Nightstalkers OOC Chat

Post by Merchant of Death »

I have tallied the XP. XP has been awarded to the character sheets. For those of you who want to know: Karl, Egan, and James have all leveled this quad. I recommend that you guys level up your characters quickly. When you do so, please reply here so I know it has been done.

I have cleaned up the OOC chatter thread (as you can see). I have also moved Pvt Johnson back into inactive status. There is a GM rating thread... time for you guys to do your bit now!
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Re: Nightstalkers OOC Chat

Post by James Howlett »

Leveled Up

+3 HP and 1 secondary skill
Captain James Howlett
"Out of all the people you meet I may be the only one who understands what you are thinking, Take one good look at my face. This is the price that I paid to bring foot to the collective asses of our enemies. There are many more who have sacrificed much more to do far less. ~Captain James Howlett EP
HP 30/30 SDC 51/51
M.D.C. by Location: Hands (2): 50 each, Forearms (2): 50 each, Upper Arms (2): 70 each, “Concealed” Forearm Weapon: 40, Legs (2): 90 each., Modular Secondary Arms (2): 60 each.
Constant effects: Amplified Hearing, Sound filtration system, Targeting Sight, Motion Detector, Gyro-Compass, Clock/Calendar
Current Conditions: None.
Armor & Weapons/Ammo
PA-08A Special Forces "Striker" SAMAS
CA-7 Special Forces Heavy Dead Boy Armor
CP-50 "Dragonfire" Assault Pulse Laser and Grenade Launcher
C-29 "Hellfire" Heavy Plasma Cannon
CP-30 Laser Pulse Pistol
CP-20 Laser Pistol
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Re: Nightstalkers OOC Chat

Post by Karl »

Leveled up except the two secondary skills I still have to select at some point.
Karl Madox reporting for duty!
H.P.: 26
S.D.C.: 29
ISP: 66
PPE: 11

Constant Effects: See Cybernetics

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Re: Nightstalkers OOC Chat

Post by Egan Grey »

Level up mostly complete, waiting on confirmation about one skill and the normal level up will be done.

Then I will add in all the PP stuff when it gets approved.

+3 ISP, +1 Hit Point - One OCC skill (Pending), 2 secondary (cook to Professional / General repair & Maintenance)

Level up Complete!
SSG Egan Grey aka Grayson Hender (1-8-2018)
*Wrong Side*
Hp - 54/54
SDC - 66/66
ISP - 84/74
Constant Effects: Multi-Optic Eye, Sixth Sense (-2 ISP / use; +6 init, +2 parry, +3 dodge - can't be surprised)
Current Penalties:

PA-DK-500 Death Knight
**Head: 90 / 90
Slayer Particle Beam Rifle (handheld): 50 / 50
*Forearm Lasers (2, light, concealed): 15 / 15 each
*Shoulder Demonbuster Mini-Missiles (4 per arm): 20 / 20 each missile
*Back Mini-Missile Launchers (2): 70 / 70 each
Skull Shield (large): 149 / 225
*Skull Vibro-Sword (large): 100 / 100
Shoulder Plates (2): 120 / 120 each
*Arms (2): 90 / 90 each
*Hands (2): 40 / 40 each
*UEL Cable, Reinforced: 12 / 12
Legs (2): 170 / 170 each
*Leg Thrusters (4; two per lower leg): 25 / 25 each
Back-Mounted Vertical Thrusters (2): 70 / 70 each
Main Body: 250 / 250

CA-3 Light Dead Boy Armor
Helmet: 70 / 70
Arms: 55 / 55 each
Legs: 70 / 70 each
Main Body: 80 / 80

Modifiers: -5% to climb, -10% to other physical skills
Neural-Mace built into left forearm / gauntlet
Garrote housing in left wrist
Retractable vibro-Blade mounted in right forearm (1D6 M.D.)

NG Stalker Suit
M.D.C. Protection: 12/12
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by Mane »


+HP: [dice]0[/dice]

+ISP: [dice]2[/dice]

Skills: Level 9 OCC & Related skills going towards payment of Advanced Training: Close Quarters Battle using option to acquire with 2 OCC skills & 3 Related skills. Remaining balance paid for with EP-acquired skills for this very purpose.

Additional Skill: Boxing (bought with EPs)
SDC Bonus: [dice]3[/dice]

New CQC Abilities & Skills:
  • Commando HtH Retraining
  • +5 to Friend or Foe Perception Rolls (+25% by new board rules)
  • Bonus Skills:
    • Climbing/Rappelling (+I0%)
    • Detect Ambush (+15% bonus to existing skill)
    • W.P. Ancient: Spear
    • W.P. Modern: Energy Rifle
  • SDC: [dice]1[/dice]
  • +2 Initiative (on offense only)
Mane, driver of the big ugly bus.

Song in his heart: Take Five
Stats and Gear
Quick Stats:
ISP: 64/64
HP: 118/118
SDC: 110/110
Armor: DPM-D1 with Recon helmet
MDC by Location:
  • Main Body: 36/80
  • Head/Helmet: 36/50
  • Legs: (R) 50/50, (L) 50/50
  • Arms: (R) 21/35, (L) 35/35
CP-30 Laser Pulse Pistol:
  • Damage:4D6MD; Range: 800'
  • Payload: 10/10 pulses per long e-clip
CP-30 Laser Pulse Pistol:
  • Damage:4D6 MD; Range: 800'
  • Payload: 10/10 pulse per long e-clip
CM-940BR Battle Rifle - using SLAP Ammo:
  • Damage: 4d6 M.D./burst, Effect; Range: 2,000'
  • Payload: 5050 per magazine
  • Fragmentation Grenades 2/2
  • Tear Gas Grenade 1/1
  • Smoke Grenade 1/1
Munition Reserve:
  • Long E-Clips: 2/2
  • CM-940BR Magazines: 2/2
  • None at this time
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by CS High Command »

Regarding Patron Items: All items will either be captured gear or reskinned into Experimental CS Gear.

The NEMA items will simply be gear the 110th found in Arizona. GAW Gear can be captured or given through official channels. The psynetic device is from PRP and Psi-Bat. Armor will be Pre-rifts gear recently unearthed, or given a cosmetic upgrade into experimental CS Gear. Don't choose Magic gear. Just don't, please.
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
"Yippee-ki-yay magic lovers." Lt. John Freeman, CS110 at the Socorro Skirmish of May 110PA
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by Drummond Leighton »

Hey if you haven't been paying attention, there is a discussion on changing how XP is awarded. Augur has put out a call for proposals to vote upon. The voting will begin on August 1. There will still be the option of keeping it as is, but you'd need to vote to make it happen. Please take the time to read and comment if you haven't already. If you don't like what you see, you can propose something!

XP System Change Discussion ... 62&t=17001

XP Proposals ... 62&t=17017
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by CS High Command »

There's one up there from you're truly, but it really builds on one of Pete's Options.
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
"Yippee-ki-yay magic lovers." Lt. John Freeman, CS110 at the Socorro Skirmish of May 110PA
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GM Requested Feedback

Post by CS High Command »

Hey guys, as I get back into the swing of things, I would like to know a few things from you.

What do YOU want to do? I will list options below, but they are suggestions, I would like each of you to add (at least) one more to the list.
* Fight Demons in open battle
* Go after rogue elements of the CS
* Work on supporting Psi-Bat/PRP Operations in places outside the CS
* Go after High Value Demon, Psychic and/or Magic Enemy Targets
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
"Yippee-ki-yay magic lovers." Lt. John Freeman, CS110 at the Socorro Skirmish of May 110PA
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Casper Wilpepper
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by Casper Wilpepper »

I like option 2 but any are fine with me.
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by Drummond Leighton »

#2 is okay with me too.

An additional option is to be tossed into a rift lost in the mega verse. We have to become mercenaries for real and deal with the fact that humans are a minority when compared to whole galaxies.
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by James Howlett »

2 or 3 seem fun, and are the kind of missions James likes
Captain James Howlett
"Out of all the people you meet I may be the only one who understands what you are thinking, Take one good look at my face. This is the price that I paid to bring foot to the collective asses of our enemies. There are many more who have sacrificed much more to do far less. ~Captain James Howlett EP
HP 30/30 SDC 51/51
M.D.C. by Location: Hands (2): 50 each, Forearms (2): 50 each, Upper Arms (2): 70 each, “Concealed” Forearm Weapon: 40, Legs (2): 90 each., Modular Secondary Arms (2): 60 each.
Constant effects: Amplified Hearing, Sound filtration system, Targeting Sight, Motion Detector, Gyro-Compass, Clock/Calendar
Current Conditions: None.
Armor & Weapons/Ammo
PA-08A Special Forces "Striker" SAMAS
CA-7 Special Forces Heavy Dead Boy Armor
CP-50 "Dragonfire" Assault Pulse Laser and Grenade Launcher
C-29 "Hellfire" Heavy Plasma Cannon
CP-30 Laser Pulse Pistol
CP-20 Laser Pistol
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by CS High Command »

Well at least one of you added one to the conversation :P

So I've decided that Tuesdays will be my GM posting days from now on. That way you have all weekend to get stuff in and I have Monday to parse it all. Next GM post will be Tuesday 4/16/19. I'd like more options of what you guys want.

Also, we've got new blood making a character.
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
"Yippee-ki-yay magic lovers." Lt. John Freeman, CS110 at the Socorro Skirmish of May 110PA
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by Mane »

I'd be most partial to #3, working with Psi-Bat operations. It feels best suited for role-playing and could take us in interesting directions.

My second pick would be #4, going after high-value targets for similar reasons, plus it could be a more natural direction after this covert op.

Going after rogue elements of the CS doesn't work well for me because it still means Humans killing Humans. M'eh... Not my pro-human flavor.

Fighting demons in open battle is well suited for Mane, BUT not combat in text-based games take a loooooooong time, and a campaign based on that would have a significant drag factor.
Mane, driver of the big ugly bus.

Song in his heart: Take Five
Stats and Gear
Quick Stats:
ISP: 64/64
HP: 118/118
SDC: 110/110
Armor: DPM-D1 with Recon helmet
MDC by Location:
  • Main Body: 36/80
  • Head/Helmet: 36/50
  • Legs: (R) 50/50, (L) 50/50
  • Arms: (R) 21/35, (L) 35/35
CP-30 Laser Pulse Pistol:
  • Damage:4D6MD; Range: 800'
  • Payload: 10/10 pulses per long e-clip
CP-30 Laser Pulse Pistol:
  • Damage:4D6 MD; Range: 800'
  • Payload: 10/10 pulse per long e-clip
CM-940BR Battle Rifle - using SLAP Ammo:
  • Damage: 4d6 M.D./burst, Effect; Range: 2,000'
  • Payload: 5050 per magazine
  • Fragmentation Grenades 2/2
  • Tear Gas Grenade 1/1
  • Smoke Grenade 1/1
Munition Reserve:
  • Long E-Clips: 2/2
  • CM-940BR Magazines: 2/2
  • None at this time
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by Karl »

I'm aaalllliiiiiive
Karl Madox reporting for duty!
H.P.: 26
S.D.C.: 29
ISP: 66
PPE: 11

Constant Effects: See Cybernetics

Bonnie Tyler - Holding out for a Hero
Madius (Sound the Alarm) - All I need
MDFMK - Missing Time
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by Major James Smith »

Karl wrote:I'm aaalllliiiiiive
Not for looooooooooooooong.... :twisted:

J/K :lol:
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Re: Revenants Experience

Post by Major James Smith »

CS 40-4th Posting Debrief

This is borrowed from Rogue Trader, and heavily (with some modifications) - but is applicable here. All credit goes to Lee for the excellent work and thought that went into this post.

I have noticed some player's posting styles this quad have not been ideal per PbP RPG standards. In an effort to help everyone improve, I've collected my thoughts here.
This is intended to improve everyone's experience, and I'll do so in as diplomatic a manner as I can - I'm not trying to cast aspersions on anyone's posting style or lay blame for poor XP or post-rates or PP awards. If you feel called out by anything here, stop being a diaper baby. ;)
How to Earn more XP and PP in CS 40-4th

We have a new XP system in place this quad, and that affects everything, going forward. In light of that, Here's a guide that I hope you'll find useful as you craft your posts.


Posts must sill meet site standards, as set out here.

The first post following a GM post must have Perception and Just in Case rolls. Subsequent posts should not have them - just indicate that rolls are being carried forward.

XP is now awarded by meeting (or failing to meet) criteria listed by CS High Command found at the top of this thread.
CS High Command wrote:I would like my AGM to evaluate players holistically. Ultimately my hope is for the XP awards each quad to reflect an overall appraisal of effort.
How to meet expectations:
Include the following in each post (as appropriate):
The character's internal monologue/thoughts
The character's dialogue with other PCs/NPCs
Description of the character's intended actions
Proper mechanics (JIC, Perception, skill rolls & their purpose)
The minimum a post should have is the perception, JIC rolls, dialogue (when possible - when you're standing on a street corner alone, or under water, etc... obviously I won't expect external dialogue, so act accordingly), internal monologue (i.e., thoughts), and a description of what you're doing.

In brief:
  • Perc roll
    JIC rolls (d20, d100)
Skills must have some description of the intended effect/purpose, and must be used in furtherance of some goal. Note that although XP is no longer awarded per skill use, you can get XP for creative problem solving.

Dialogue should be in "Bold text with quotation marks".

Thoughts are in italics.

If you're putting your thoughts in unitalicized narrative (some of you do this) you are making me, the AGM, interpret which thoughts are yours and which thoughts are your character's. I'd rather not do this. Please don't make me do this. I may get it wrong, and it won't be me who pays the price.

To quote another player, you place quote tags around what they said (with bold and quotation marks where necessary)
Me wrote:"Like So"
Personally, when I quote, I tend to wipe out anything that wasn't spoken - that's the point of a quote. However, while being a "best practice", it's not a requirement to do so. It's acceptable to trim out narrative, but not to change what was said.

Maximizing your XP

So - you've met all the minimum criteria. What's next?
CS High Command wrote:How to exceed expectations:
All of the above plus...
  • Clever ideas and plans
  • Adding to the lore and story in ways beyond simple color: Creating and maintaining links to canon and game established characters; Using the books and created content to create interesting backstory and conversation points ("Man this reminds me of an episode of Into the Flames!"); etc...
  • Evoking an emotional response from the GM other than anger
  • Roleplaying in-character under challenging circumstances
  • Being posted within the first 4 days of a major GM post
Note "all of the above" - this means that you must meet expectations to exceed them.

There have been several examples of posts that I reviewed that had elements of exceeding expectations on them, but were lacking one or more elements (usually just one!) of meeting expectations. Therefore, I had to give these posts ZERO XP rather than what amounts to a sizeable award. In some cases, it was the required rolls. In others, it was lack of internal monologue/thoughts that killed it.

Again, this is YOUR XP being tossed away! Proof read your posts after you make them. Enlist other players to help! Have a post buddy- you check their posts, and they check yours.

Posts that are mere one or two line RP responses to other players, while sometimes necessary, won't count as "qualifying posts" for determining PP, and won't net you a lot of XP either. For that to happen, you have to exceed the minimum criteria.

Clever ideas count - so, in planning sessions, spitballing clever ideas to solve problems - even if it's not the solution that works, could net you XP, if it's clever.

Stay in Character - most of you do this - though some of you write narrative from a third-person point of view. As you write, try to think as your character would in that situation. Instead of "Jeff doesn't like to bother with long explanations for his choices", try some inner monologue: Guh... Long explanations are so BORING. Let's get on with it!, or some dialogue "Yeah... exposition isn't my thing. Sorry.", and throw in some action: "Jeff sighs and shrugs as Marlon asks his rationale for burning down the village". There's an old rule in storytelling that'll help you stay in character: Show, don't tell.

And, as always, post early, post often. You're literally throwing XP away by waiting longer than 4 days after a major GM post!

Increasing your PP

How do you increase your PP?

PP is awarded by post rate, which is determined by "qualified posts". What's a qualified post?

A Qualified Post is any post that exceeds the GM's minimum criteria.

Post rate is determined by dividing the qualified posts by the standard of 14 GM posts (which is adjusted if necessary). SO - post often, and exceed minimum criteria as much as possible. Shoot for 14 or more high quality posts per quad, and the PP will come.

As with anything else, you are going to get more out of the game the more you put into it.

Final note

If you have questions about how to do something in a post, mechanically (like quoting or rolling dice a particular way), Ask.

If you have questions about what you can see or do where your character is, Ask.

If you have questions about how to better meet criteria, Ask.
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by CS High Command »

If someone can clean this up in the style of the armory I'd appreciate it. You can submit it if you'd like.

Legion 50/50 Arctic Hovercycle
Crew: One; a passenger can squeeze on, but may slide off during quick maneuvers.
Capacity: One human-sized passenger and 500 pounds (225 kg); suitable for Headhunters and light cyborgs, but heavy full conversion cyborgs may be too large and/or heavy to use this vehicle. If the weight allowance is exceeded by more than 50 pounds (22.6 kg) there is a -10% piloting skill penalty and speed is also reduced by 10%.
Cargo: Minimal; space for a rifle, survival kit, backpack, and a couple of small items or packages. An additional 200 pounds (90 kg) can be strapped to the outside of the Hoverbike and it can pull up to an additional 300 pounds (136 kg).
Height: 4 feet (1.2 m) body; landing gear is three retractable skis, two in the rear on the sides of the vehicle, and one centered under the front section.
Width: 3.6 feet (1.1 m); tapers to a foot (0.3 m) toward the front.
Length: 8 feet (2.4 m).
Weight: 1,200 pounds (540 kg).
Power Source: Internal combustion engine (alcohol and/or gasoline mix) or nuclear.
Range: Liquid fuel: 300 miles (480 km); nuclear: unlimited.
Speed: Hover stationary to 100 mph (160 km), but cruising speed is typically around 40-50 mph (64-80 km).
Leaps: Capable of thruster assisted leaps 25 feet (7.6 m) high and 80 feet (24.4 m) across. Location:
* Small Hoverjets (5; undercarriage) — 18 each
Main Jet Thrusters (2; rear) — 30 each
* Landing Skis (3) — 15 each
* Headlight (1; large) —8
* Forward Laser (1) — 35
Reinforced Windshield — 10
** Mam Body—120
* Locations marked with a single asterisk are small and/or difficult targets to hit. Thus, they can only be hit when a character makes a called shot and even then, the attacker is -3 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the entire main body will destroy the vehicle.
Cost: Not sold by the Tundra Rangers, but the Novyet version (slightly faster and more powerful) sells for 90,000 to 120,000 credits (cost is higher in remote regions of Siberia) for the standard alcohol or gasoline
mixed, internal combustion engine with a range of 300 miles (480 km); good availability. 1.1 million credits for the nuclear powered bike with a 10 year life and effectively unlimited range; poor availability. This Russian model does not come with a built-in weapon, and such a feature is 50,000-100,000 extra.
Weapon System: Foward Laser. A long-range, medium laser controlled by the driver. It can swivel side to side in a 180 degree arc and up and down 30 degrees.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. per blast.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the pilot (usually 4-6).
Maximum Effective Range: 1,600 feet (487 m).
Payload: 60 shots; unlimited if tied to a nuclear power system.
  • Heat Circulation and Air-Cycling System: This special system keeps the engine and hover jets of the hovercycle from freezing. Heated locks keep them from freezing and an excellent defrost system keeps the glass of the windshield and rear view mirrors from freezing. The 50/50 can perform in sub-zero conditions up to 130 degrees Fahrenheit below zero (-90 C), and has performed with minimal stalling and freezing problems at temperatures down to 200 degrees below zero (-129 C).
  • Soft Flow Hover Jet System: This system causes minimal noise and disturbance of the snow to help prevent avalanches and similar snow and ice slides.
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
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Jericho Jackson

Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by Jericho Jackson »

Legion 50/50 Arctic Hovercycle
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Small Hoverjets* (5; undercarriage) — 18 each
  • Main Jet Thrusters (2; rear) — 30 each
  • Landing Skis* (3) — 15 each
  • Headlight* (1; large) — 8
  • Forward Laser* (1) — 35
  • Reinforced Windshield — 10
  • Main Body** — 120

* Requires a called shot at -3 Strike to hit
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the entire main body will destroy the vehicle
Statistical Data:
Range: Liquid fuel: 300 miles; nuclear: unlimited
Flying: Hover (0 mph) to 100 mph max; cruising speed is 40 - 50 mph
Leaps: 25' high/80' across (thruster-assisted)
Crew: One; plus one passenger
Class: Hovercycle
Dimensions: 4' high; 3'7" wide; 8' long; 1,200 lbs.
Cargo: Minimal; space for a rifle, survival kit, backpack, and a couple of small items or packages. An additional 200 lbs (strapped to the outside of the Hoverbike) and an additional 300 pounds (pulled behind vehicle)
Power System: Internal combustion engine (alcohol and/or gasoline mix) or nuclear (10 years)
Weapon Systems:
Forward Laser
  • Range: 1,600'
  • Damage: 4D6 M.D. per blast
  • Rate of Fire: One blast
  • Payload: 60 shots; unlimited if powered by nuclear power system
  • Notes: can swivel side to side in a 180 degree arc and up and down 30 degrees

Features of Note:
  • Heat Circulation and Air-Cycling System: This special system keeps the engine and hover jets of the hovercycle from freezing. Heated locks keep them from freezing and an excellent defrost system keeps the glass of the windshield and rear view mirrors from freezing. The 50/50 can perform in sub-zero conditions up to 130 degrees Fahrenheit below zero (-90 C), and has performed with minimal stalling and freezing problems at temperatures down to 200 degrees below zero (-129 C).
  • Soft Flow Hover Jet System: This system causes minimal noise and disturbance of the snow to help prevent avalanches and similar snow and ice slides.

Book Reference:

Cost: Not sold by the Tundra Rangers, but the Novyet version (slightly faster and more powerful) sells for 90,000 to 120,000 credits (cost is higher in remote regions of Siberia) for the standard alcohol or gasoline internal combustion engine (good availability; 1.1 million credits for the nuclear engine (poor availability)
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by CS High Command »

Copied from the Chat
Alright guys - I am working up XP for you guys, and doing post counts. Everyone would do well to get a post or two in the next few days (10/31 Monday night by Midnight PST/3am EST). I will be posting some stuff to hopefully spark some RP and get us through. I will also have a post ready to go as of Monday night for the next quad. I will be working that up tonight. But PLEASE get some additional posts in guys. Also, if you have been in the tracker, I need those dates PMed to me asap (with links to the tracker posts). I honestly have not been paying close attention to it (until recently I had an AGM for that). So it is on you to get me those dates. I will make an effort to look, but the easier you make it on me, the faster you get your XP and PP. All in all I am very proud of how far you've made it and how much you have rolled with the punches. We are about to wrap up this adventure and it should be a doozy.

If you have specific feedback regarding your character that you'd like me to include for future adventures, please PM that to me. I have no issue including things to make your experience better, but I do need to know what kind of things you'd like. I prefer intrigue and investigation to combat, however. Hence why so much of this adventure has been leading up to this one combat. My hope is that it delivers to those craving action, however.

New Information: The new adventure will revolve around a long range patrol into Lazlo territory, with a run near the Detroit ruins and into the greater lazlo area. Without giving anything away, we should deal with demons (at least one or two quick combats and some actual combat), a bit of investigation, and a bit of intrigue. There should be plenty of chances for nearly every play style.
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by CS High Command »

Hey Guys, I need feedback. Something came up in the Gm's chat about expectations being nebulous; I think I very clearly explained what I want from you guys to get maximum XP, but maybe I'm wrong. Rather than guess and say "look at mine, my players get them" I'd like to ask you all to comment. DO you understand and get what I am going for with the XP guidelines?

How to meet expectations:
Include the following in each post (as appropriate):
  • The character's internal monologue/thoughts
  • The character's dialogue with other PCs/NPCs
  • Description of the character's intended actions
  • Proper mechanics (JIC, Perception, skill rolls & their purpose)
How to exceed expectations:
All of the above plus...
  • Clever ideas and plans
  • Adding to the lore and story in ways beyond simple color: Creating and maintaining links to canon and game established characters; Using the books and created content to create interesting backstory and conversation points ("Man this reminds me of an episode of Into the Flames!"); etc...
  • Evoking an emotional response from the GM other than anger
  • Roleplaying in-character under challenging circumstances
  • Being posted within the first 4 days of a major GM post
You can reply here or in the group chat - whatever suits you
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
"Yippee-ki-yay magic lovers." Lt. John Freeman, CS110 at the Socorro Skirmish of May 110PA
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by Drummond Leighton »

The meets expectations is reasonable. The exceeds expectation is unattainable as written it requires all 5 things (as written). If it’s really just one of the 5 then it too is reasonable. The other piece is how many posts in a month must meet or exceed expectations to receive the award. Is the count equal to the number of GM posts in a month, once per week, X% of the posts per month? If a character replies more than once for a given GM post, if it doesn’t meet expectations does it invalidate the otherwise qualified posts?
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by CS High Command »

Drummond Leighton wrote:The meets expectations is reasonable. The exceeds expectation is unattainable as written it requires all 5 things (as written). If it’s really just one of the 5 then it too is reasonable. The other piece is how many posts in a month must meet or exceed expectations to receive the award. Is the count equal to the number of GM posts in a month, once per week, X% of the posts per month? If a character replies more than once for a given GM post, if it doesn’t meet expectations does it invalidate the otherwise qualified posts?
Actually, the way I have it done in the sheet is this. I enter the posts for the month. I then look at the posts individually for each criteria and list the ones that meet that expectation. Thankfully that process is pretty quick. I judge you based on your posts, not anyone else's.

So if there are 4 character posts for a month,

(these are examples)
4/4 - The character's internal monologue/thoughts
250 XP
4/4 - The character's dialogue with other PCs/NPCs
250 XP
4/4 - Description of the character's intended actions
250 XP
4/4 - Proper mechanics (JIC, Perception, skill rolls & their purpose)
250 XP

4/4 - Clever ideas and plans
You guys tend to come up with clever ideas and plans as a whole. This is usually a no brainer. 100 XP for the month.

2/4 - Adding to the lore and story in ways beyond simple color: Creating and maintaining links to canon and game established characters; Using the books and created content to create interesting backstory and conversation points ("Man this reminds me of an episode of Into the Flames!"); etc...
Not everyone adds this. All I am looking for is things like the foxhole story that Drum told or talking about nicknames and how you get them or just creating a link to a larger society that is the CS. Also is covering past events in the game, etc. Some of you are great at this, others need to improve.
50 XP for the month.

3/4 - Evoking an emotional response from the GM other than anger
Did I laugh? Was I surprised? Was it audacious? Was I impressed by the depths of your emotional response in the post? Honestly I have a fairly easy bar here. Some do not. Some have this idea that a writer must continue to push this boundary. I think that is disingenuous. If I expect your posts to bring an emotional response it does not mean I stop rewarding you for bringing an emotional response because it wasn't as good as your best post. 75 XP for the month.

4/4 - Roleplaying in-character under challenging circumstances
Was going along with the flow easier than sticking to your character's personality? Was it easier NOT to respond than to dive into something? Then you get this. This is a lot like evoking a response in that I try not to judge each post by the best you've done. 100 XP

2/4 - Being posted within the first 4 days of a major GM post
This is an easy one to get or fail to get and the least subjective. 50 XP

Total for the month: 1375 XP.
Now I should note the way I do it in the spreadsheet is a lot more mathy. it's qualifying posts out of total posts. so 2/4 divides clean, but 2/7 not as much. Hence you still get non-round numbers on the sheet.
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by Drummond Leighton »

CS High Command wrote:Actually, the way I have it done in the sheet is this. I enter the posts for the month. I then look at the posts individually for each criteria and list the ones that meet that expectation. Thankfully that process is pretty quick. I judge you based on your posts, not anyone else's.
I was responding only to what you had posted about the requirements (which is why I had said "as written"), but I appreciate the explanation of the inner workings, it's now much clearer to me. Knowing that each post is receiving a prorated portion of the monthly total instead of all or nothing is great.

It made me go back and look at the spreadsheet you had built. I hadn't realized that you had a whole section to the right recording info about the posts. I am not a fan of how it's organized, but that's not meant as a knock at your solution for implementing the rules, the solution works.
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by CS High Command »

Oh I'm not a fan of it either - it was a quick and dirty solution to a quick and dirty problem. :D I intend to rework it, but if you want to help do so, I can add you as editor to it.
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by Brute »

Potential edit for clarity:
How to meet expectations:
Include all of the following in each post (as appropriate):

How to exceed expectations:
All of the above plus at least one of the following...
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by CS High Command »

noted, thanks. Though to be fair, I potentially give partial credit for those too, I just haven't needed to.
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
"Yippee-ki-yay magic lovers." Lt. John Freeman, CS110 at the Socorro Skirmish of May 110PA
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by CS High Command »

Status of Game:

I will be getting a post up in a few minutes (soon as I finish it). The latest it will be up will be tomorrow by noon (I have an 15-30 minute phone interview at 10).

After that I will be setting Sunday as my post day. By no later than 10pm. This week you will have a shortened time to respond. I'm sorry.

If I cannot keep that schedule for this month, then at Quad end I will put the game on Hiatus until I can.

New year, time to step up or shut up. That means I will no longer wait for you to post anymore. I will let Ryan do his job of reminding you guys to post. If you guys want to help with that, I will toss an PP (of my personal share) at whoever does it the most for every month. I'll search chat and posts to determine who's doing it the most.

Discuss on Chat as you need to.
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
"Yippee-ki-yay magic lovers." Lt. John Freeman, CS110 at the Socorro Skirmish of May 110PA
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by Archive Account »

I have organized and vastly expanded the number of channels on Discord.
EU's Discord server set-up now mirrors that of Hangouts, only better.
Every group and game has its own channel.
Come join us!
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by Mane »

Level Up -- Mane to Lv. 10

* No new skills
* ISP: 2d6: [5, 3] = 8
* HP: 2d6: [4, 6] = 10
* Hand to Hand - Comando: +2 vs Horror Factor, +1 initiative, +1 to Strike
* Weapon Proficiencies: +1 Handguns, +1 Energy Rifles, +1 MD Heavy
Mane, driver of the big ugly bus.

Song in his heart: Take Five
Stats and Gear
Quick Stats:
ISP: 64/64
HP: 118/118
SDC: 110/110
Armor: DPM-D1 with Recon helmet
MDC by Location:
  • Main Body: 36/80
  • Head/Helmet: 36/50
  • Legs: (R) 50/50, (L) 50/50
  • Arms: (R) 21/35, (L) 35/35
CP-30 Laser Pulse Pistol:
  • Damage:4D6MD; Range: 800'
  • Payload: 10/10 pulses per long e-clip
CP-30 Laser Pulse Pistol:
  • Damage:4D6 MD; Range: 800'
  • Payload: 10/10 pulse per long e-clip
CM-940BR Battle Rifle - using SLAP Ammo:
  • Damage: 4d6 M.D./burst, Effect; Range: 2,000'
  • Payload: 5050 per magazine
  • Fragmentation Grenades 2/2
  • Tear Gas Grenade 1/1
  • Smoke Grenade 1/1
Munition Reserve:
  • Long E-Clips: 2/2
  • CM-940BR Magazines: 2/2
  • None at this time
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by CS High Command »

Just as a reminder how how I resolve combat, with a slight update due to us using a gridded combat map.
TLDR summary: Current movement rates by character: Running costs an action per phase, but any attacks made while running are Wild.
  • Olive: 35 squares per phase running; 17 squares per phase for basic combat movement ("walking")
    Mane: 26 squares per phase running (or sprint for 52 squares), and 13 squares for basic combat movement ("walking")
    Culter: 44 squares per phase running, and 22 squares for basic combat movement ("walking")
    Howlett: 51 squares per phase running, and 25 squares for basic combat movement ("walking")
    Aleksander: 66 squares per phase running, and 33 squares for basic combat movement ("walking")
    Egan: 36 squares per phase running, and 18 squares for basic combat movement ("walking"), can power jump (counts as running and requires a control roll) at 66 squares per phase.
    Drummond: 88 squares per phase running, and 44 squares for basic combat movement ("walking")
Combat Resolution

I will be implementing a method of tracking combat time that relies on the use of 5 combat phases within each melee round. Each phase is 3 seconds in length.

During each 3 second phase, you may move up to half of your Speed attribute in meters/yards for free (round down), or the full amount if you sacrifice an action to run. On a normal map (or in theatre of the mind) you can run for your full Speed attribute in meters, or "walk" for half of that. Spending multiple actions to move in the same phase will have no effect. On a gridded battle map, each square is 2 meters. Sorry for the use of metric, but it simply makes it easier to convert for both speed and weapon ranges. Most weapons have a metric conversion, or you can go to google and it will give you the closest approximation. Round to the closest whole number for decimals.

Note that just because you are allowed to, doesn't make it always a good idea. You can shoot while running, but it is a Wild attack. You can dodge while running at no penalty. Unless you are in a vehicle of some sort, you cannot perform skills that require standing in place.
  • For instance: If you are a communications specialist and you are trying to jam a specific frequency, you will receive penalties or just plain be not allowed to do your action depending on the situations around you.
Vehicles (and robots and cyborgs with speeds listed in mph) use the following:
To determine how far you can move in vehicles, take the vehicle's speed in mph, divide it by 15. And then multiply this by 22. This gives you the exact number of meters you can travel in a phase. You don't have to do anything to maintain this speed. See Below for acceleration rules. Everyone is currently walking using leg based movement.
  • Any vehicle using robot legs (including most power armor, many robot vehicles, and skelebots) utilize their converted a rate of half their speed as a speed attribute and move like characters. Acceleration is ignored for these cases in the tactical sense (though it would apply for chases over long distances). Legs allow acceleration and deceleration that wheels, tracks, and hover vehicles cannot match. It is why they are preferred for close quarters combat over wheels and hover jets. Moving at this half speed incurs no special penalties to firing or actions unless they are complex and need concentration (GM will make any calls on what this might be, so just ask). Converting robot running speed works the same as any other. Divide the running speed by 60, then multiply by 22. A Smiling Jack SAMAS Power Armor can run at 60 mph, which converts to 88m per phase. On a gridded map, this is a maximum of 44 squares, but a normal movement of 22 squares each phase (for free).
    • Almost any vehicle may accelerate 10% of it's max speed per phase, increasing it's movement rate. Doing this requires an action spent driving. You may shoot wild as part of this action, but you must make a piloting roll and take a -15% penalty to the roll. If you dodge, you must make a piloting roll (no penalty unless noted).
    • Special: By sacrificing one of their actions in a particular phase, a legged vehicle can move at their full converted speed. So a Smiling Jack SAMAS pilot could sacrifice one of his actions to run at 88 meters (or 44 squares) on that particular phase. This requires gets the same penalties as acceleration, above.
    Flying Power Armor (like SAMAS, SuperSAMAS, jet packs, and most hovercycles can accelerate at 25% of their max speed per phase. All are high speed vehicles meant for quick speed reaction times.
  • Vehicles with actual jets accelerate at 30% of their max speed per phase. This includes most jets, contragrav vehicles, the Death Wing and Rocket Bikes.
  • When you dodge, you can choose your direction, but your speed is everything you've got. You can accelerate or go at your current speed, but you go the maximum distance allowed by your speed.
  • Turning normally (45 degrees at most) requires an action and you must not be going faster than cruising speed. Turning more than 45 degrees requires you to decelerate to at least 10% of your current or cruising speed, whichever is lower. Going faster than this requires a boot-leg turn (-25% up to 1/2 of your cruising speed, -50% otherwise. Other penalties may apply. The same applies to elevation changes for flying vehicles.
  • You can shoot while moving at your previous speed without making a control roll (unless conditions require it, GM call). You still count as shooting from a moving vehicle, except if you're using on board weapons. You get all of your bonuses, as long as you're not trying to take called shots. The normal RUE rules for called shots, aimed shots, attack penalties for shooting from a moving vehicle, and anything else still apply.
  • Shooting while accelerating requires a control roll at -15% and only allows you a wild shot (as per RUE). Care should be made to ensure facing of the vehicle and the weapon is still logical.
You will have to refer to the following table to determine when you can act. For the most part you only need to declare what you are doing, and I will deal with placing your actions, but if you need to know how close you are at a specific time, then knowing what phase you act in will help.
Actions Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5
1 0 0 1 0 0
2 0 1 0 1 0
3 1 0 1 0 1
4 1 1 0 1 1
5 1 1 1 1 1
6 1 1 2 1 1
7 1 2 1 2 1
8 2 1 2 1 2
9 2 2 1 2 2
10 2 2 2 2 2
11 2 2 3 2 2
12 2 3 2 3 2
13 3 2 3 2 3
14 3 3 2 3 3
15 3 3 3 3 3
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
"Yippee-ki-yay magic lovers." Lt. John Freeman, CS110 at the Socorro Skirmish of May 110PA
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by CS High Command »

Next adventure I intend on a change of pace. It will be relatively short.

MercTown adventure (or possibly Kingsdale) as undercover operatives trying to ferret out something or someone.
MercTown adventure (or possibly Kingsdale) where you are technically on R&R, but shit happens.
Cloak and dagger infiltration of a high society event (probably in MercTown or possibly Kingsdale)
Something Else: Describe your idea.

Pick one. You can change your vote, but "I don't care" is unhelpful. Keep in mind this is out of character, in character you don't get choices lol.

I have no issue taking on a player led mission if you have something you are itching to do.

I also have several ideas for things that could go along with the Minion War stuff, but I was trying to keep us out of all of that because it seemed player preference was to stay away from that for now. If that has changed, please tell me. After this week my intent is to have a GM post every Sunday. It may be a crappy GM post, but I intend to post every sunday from now on, whether I have player posts or not. Please plan your posting accordingly. A lack of posting will result in your standing around in indecision and or being run according to how standard operating procedure says you should.
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
"Yippee-ki-yay magic lovers." Lt. John Freeman, CS110 at the Socorro Skirmish of May 110PA
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by Consumer »

I'd like either of these:
MercTown adventure (or possibly Kingsdale) where you are technically on R&R, but shit happens.
Cloak and dagger infiltration of a high society event (probably in MercTown or possibly Kingsdale)
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by Egan Grey »

Another Vote for the R&R route.
I get a vision of Mane in waterwings and a inflatable duck walking down the beach as squid like DBees pop out of the water to attack a town. Plus, it can always move into the next adventure. It's not like the military NEVER have strings attached to things. "Oh, since your down there go ahead and take care of this other thing for us. M-kay."
SSG Egan Grey aka Grayson Hender (1-8-2018)
*Wrong Side*
Hp - 54/54
SDC - 66/66
ISP - 84/74
Constant Effects: Multi-Optic Eye, Sixth Sense (-2 ISP / use; +6 init, +2 parry, +3 dodge - can't be surprised)
Current Penalties:

PA-DK-500 Death Knight
**Head: 90 / 90
Slayer Particle Beam Rifle (handheld): 50 / 50
*Forearm Lasers (2, light, concealed): 15 / 15 each
*Shoulder Demonbuster Mini-Missiles (4 per arm): 20 / 20 each missile
*Back Mini-Missile Launchers (2): 70 / 70 each
Skull Shield (large): 149 / 225
*Skull Vibro-Sword (large): 100 / 100
Shoulder Plates (2): 120 / 120 each
*Arms (2): 90 / 90 each
*Hands (2): 40 / 40 each
*UEL Cable, Reinforced: 12 / 12
Legs (2): 170 / 170 each
*Leg Thrusters (4; two per lower leg): 25 / 25 each
Back-Mounted Vertical Thrusters (2): 70 / 70 each
Main Body: 250 / 250

CA-3 Light Dead Boy Armor
Helmet: 70 / 70
Arms: 55 / 55 each
Legs: 70 / 70 each
Main Body: 80 / 80

Modifiers: -5% to climb, -10% to other physical skills
Neural-Mace built into left forearm / gauntlet
Garrote housing in left wrist
Retractable vibro-Blade mounted in right forearm (1D6 M.D.)

NG Stalker Suit
M.D.C. Protection: 12/12
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Drummond Leighton
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by Drummond Leighton »

The high society event makes me think of this for Drummond:
. I can't see him hobnobbing successfully. Hunting something down either undercover or not is fine with me.

It would be cool to go to Outer Space. Maybe find a Titan Robotics installation that has a rocket, we get trapped inside, and Archie 3 has tech on board that nullifies the killer satellites so we make it safely in orbit.
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by Mane »

Of the listed options, "R&R, but shit happens" was the the one that leaped out at me first, too. Runner up would be Undercover.
Mane, driver of the big ugly bus.

Song in his heart: Take Five
Stats and Gear
Quick Stats:
ISP: 64/64
HP: 118/118
SDC: 110/110
Armor: DPM-D1 with Recon helmet
MDC by Location:
  • Main Body: 36/80
  • Head/Helmet: 36/50
  • Legs: (R) 50/50, (L) 50/50
  • Arms: (R) 21/35, (L) 35/35
CP-30 Laser Pulse Pistol:
  • Damage:4D6MD; Range: 800'
  • Payload: 10/10 pulses per long e-clip
CP-30 Laser Pulse Pistol:
  • Damage:4D6 MD; Range: 800'
  • Payload: 10/10 pulse per long e-clip
CM-940BR Battle Rifle - using SLAP Ammo:
  • Damage: 4d6 M.D./burst, Effect; Range: 2,000'
  • Payload: 5050 per magazine
  • Fragmentation Grenades 2/2
  • Tear Gas Grenade 1/1
  • Smoke Grenade 1/1
Munition Reserve:
  • Long E-Clips: 2/2
  • CM-940BR Magazines: 2/2
  • None at this time
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by CS High Command »

Drummond Leighton wrote: Fri Jun 25, 2021 8:47 am The high society event makes me think of this for Drummond:
. I can't see him hobnobbing successfully. Hunting something down either undercover or not is fine with me.

It would be cool to go to Outer Space. Maybe find a Titan Robotics installation that has a rocket, we get trapped inside, and Archie 3 has tech on board that nullifies the killer satellites so we make it safely in orbit.
One of the stories I've bandied about is using one of the seeds in Matt's Fort Laredo article which has one of the places the St Louis Arch goes to is a barren world (in the Phase World Galaxy in the original telling). I've often wanted to run something where the CS is making tentative steps towards creating spacecraft in that setting and developing strategies, for the eventual goal of going to orbit. But also build it up as a last great hope for humanity type base, similar to an Alpha site from Stargate. The idea is that the CS is actively exploring the places the Gate goes to regularly - with skelebots at first, and then live exploration teams. You guys going would represent something BAD happening, of course.

Personally I think the idea of Drum in a fitted tuxedo built for and around his frame making him look like the world's greatest mook is worthy of fan art.
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
"Yippee-ki-yay magic lovers." Lt. John Freeman, CS110 at the Socorro Skirmish of May 110PA
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by Archive Account »

No post from Garland in well over a month. In the tracker/this a concern?
No garbage in the forum, so kudos on basic upkeep.
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Re: Revenants OOC Chat

Post by CS High Command »

Everyone check your PMs
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
"Yippee-ki-yay magic lovers." Lt. John Freeman, CS110 at the Socorro Skirmish of May 110PA
Ledger Link
Former CS GM, Admin (Site and Discord), Longtime Community Member
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