17) Grand Bazaar

The Market District is the economic heart of Llorn. People of all stations intermingle among the shops and stores.
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Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Archive Account »


Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Fox »

Perception: [dice]0[/dice] of 39%
Initiative: [dice]1[/dice]
JIC: [dice]2[/dice]
JIC%: [dice]3[/dice]

Fox leads Durak to Valrun's, he thinks, I was only here yesterday, they are probably not done yet, but I can at least show Durak to the location.

We will walk into the store and say, "A companion of mine is looking for repairs on an item, are you available to do this for him?"

If Valrun is not, there is another shop nearby that might do the job.

After that question is answered, he will inquire about his armor, "While I am here, though I doubt you have had time yet, I was wondering if my armor is ready to be picked up?"
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Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Archive Account »

A young elf with a familiarly serious countenance is in the storefront. There is the faint sound of a number of people at work and conversing in an attached, cloistered section of the building. The young elf speaks up, "You're the one who brought the Western piece for repair, yes? Of course you are. Highly unlikely there'd be two Kankorans to frequent the same place with similar requests in the span of a day or so. No sir, the piece will be another day or so. Many skilled apprentices are demanding higher wages given the rising price of the essentials in Llorn of late. But my father's nearly always willing to take on new work if your dwarven friend here has some work for him."
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Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Durak »

Perception: 53% [dice]0[/dice]
JIC [dice]1[/dice] [dice]2[/dice]

Durak nods to Fox for the introduction. Why did it have to be an elf?

"Good day Durak bows his head slightly in politeness, before listing his wishlist.

"I am looking for a few potential items, depending on what you have available.
I am looking for an item that would allow me to read any language.
An item that will for a limited time allow me to not need to eat or at least reduce my requirements. I imagine at the moment those are very hard to come by.
An item that will allow me to be able to speak and understand any language.
Also, do you have any potions that promote healing of physical wounds? "

OOC Comments
if shown any items, he will appraise them and try to barter the price down
healing potion - common no roll needed

Healing (superior) - uncommon no penalty 1 success - found
Appraise Goods 61% [dice]3[/dice]
Bartering 56% [dice]4[/dice]
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 10% [dice]11[/dice]
Streetwise 60% [dice]12[/dice]

Talisman of Tongues or Ring of Tongues (20k in PFRPG) rare -10% - 1 success - not found
Appraise Goods 61% [dice]5[/dice]
Bartering 56% [dice]6[/dice]
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 10% [dice]13[/dice]
Streetwise 60% [dice]14[/dice]
Research 36% [dice]15[/dice]

Talisman of Sustain rare - 10% - 2 successes including 1 critical - found
Appraise Goods 61% [dice]7[/dice]
Bartering 56% [dice]8[/dice]
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 10% [dice]16[/dice]
Streetwise 60% [dice]17[/dice]
Research 36% [dice]18[/dice]

Talisman of Eyes of Thoth rare -10% - 3 successes - found
Appraise Goods 61% [dice]9[/dice]
Bartering 56% [dice]10[/dice]
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 10% [dice]19[/dice]
Streetwise 60% [dice]20[/dice]
Research 36% [dice]21[/dice]
HP 40
SDC 59
Cloak of protection AR12 SDC 50 Impervious to Fire
Bracers AR15
Constant Effects: Nightvision 90ft,
Description: Tall for a Dwarf, with a mottled red/brown beard. His shoulders are generally down as he tries not to attract attention to himself

Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Predat »

Perception: [dice]0[/dice] / 70%
JiC: [dice]1[/dice] [dice]2[/dice]

Pre heads to Valrun's Magic Potions and Powders and enter;s the store. Better pick up a few potions just in case Tyral's magic is spread thin. Pre heads to the proprietor and says, "Good afternoon I am looking for some healing potions and some snuff. Particularly Healing, superior healing, and invisibility potions. As to snuffs, I am looking for invisibility, negate poison, and sense magic."
OOC Comments
Skill checks the six items, if needed:

Healing potion
Streetwise - [dice]3[/dice] / 71%
Appraise Goods - [dice]4[/dice] / 98%
Lore: Magic - [dice]5[/dice] / 98%

superior healing potion
Streetwise - [dice]6[/dice] / 71%
Appraise Goods - [dice]7[/dice] / 98%
Lore: Magic - [dice]8[/dice] / 98%

invisibility potion
Streetwise - [dice]9[/dice] / 71%
Appraise Goods - [dice]10[/dice] / 98%
Lore: Magic - [dice]11[/dice] / 98%

invisibility snuff
Streetwise - [dice]12[/dice] / 71%
Appraise Goods - [dice]13[/dice] / 98%
Lore: Magic - [dice]14[/dice] / 98%

negate poison snuff
Streetwise - [dice]15[/dice] / 71%
Appraise Goods - [dice]16[/dice] / 98%
Lore: Magic - [dice]17[/dice] / 98%

sense magic snuff
Streetwise - [dice]18[/dice] / 71%
Appraise Goods - [dice]19[/dice] / 98%
Lore: Magic - [dice]20[/dice] / 98%
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Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Archive Account »

Durak finds a half dozen simple healing potions available, and with help from the elf, manages to find two trinkets which suit his needs.
940 gold for each of the talismans, 800 gold for the superior healing potion, 400 gold per common healing potion.
OOC Comments

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing:[/b] 1D6 hit points or 2D6 S.D.C. are restored.
Cost: 400 gold; common availability

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing (superior):[/b] 2D6 hit points or 4D6 S.D.C. are restored.
Cost: 800 gold; uncommon availability

Code: Select all

[b]Talisman of Sustain[/b]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[*]Require no food, water, or breath, need only 2 hours of sleep/night. Can survive almost all environmental conditions
[*]Duration: 5 days
[*]Charges: 3[/list]
Book Reference: p.150, BoM[/size]

Code: Select all

[b]Talisman of Eyes of Thoth[/b]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[list][*]Eyes of Thoth
[*]Charges: 3[/list]
Book Reference: p.150, BoM[/size]
Predat finds everything for which he's looking. There are half a dozen simple healing potions available, 1 each of the other two potions, and 1 each of the types of snuff.
OOC Comments

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing:[/b] 1D6 hit points or 2D6 S.D.C. are restored.
Cost: 400 gold

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing (superior):[/b] 2D6 hit points or 4D6 S.D.C. are restored.
Cost: 800 gold

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Invisibility:[/b] Same as spell magic.
Cost: 800 gold

Code: Select all

[b](Snuff) Invisibility (lesser):[/b] Same as spell.
Cost: 500 gold

Code: Select all

[b](Snuff) Negate Poison:[/b] Same as spell.
Cost: 250 gold

Code: Select all

[b](Snuff) Sense Magic:[/b] Same as spell.
Cost: 250 gold

Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Predat »

Rolls as above Post Edited
There are half a dozen simple healing potions available, 1 each of the other two potions, and 1 each of the types of snuff.
Pre nods at the selection and takes it all.

He pays the 5000 gold, takes the items and moves on to the magic shops and is looking for a magic ring that has nightvision (Obvious) and resist cold (doesn't like the cold) on it. Also perusing for a Cloak of Shadows.

Streetwise - [dice]0[/dice] / 71%
Appraise Goods - [dice]1[/dice] / 108% using 1/3 of his influential contacts for a +10%
Lore: Magic - [dice]2[/dice] / 108% using 2/3 of his influential contacts for a +10%

Cloak of Shadows
Streetwise - [dice]3[/dice] / 71%
Appraise Goods -[dice]4[/dice] / 98%
Lore: Magic - [dice]5[/dice] / 98%
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Archive Account
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Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Archive Account »

Durak finds a half dozen simple healing potions available, and with help from the elf, manages to find two trinkets which suit his needs.
(940 gold for each of the talismans, 800 gold for the superior healing potion, 400 gold per common healing potion; indicate what you intend to buy)
Durak's finds

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing:[/b] 1D6 hit points or 2D6 S.D.C. are restored.

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing (superior):[/b] 2D6 hit points or 4D6 S.D.C. are restored.

Code: Select all

[b]Talisman of Sustain[/b]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[*]Require no food, water, or breath, need only 2 hours of sleep/night. Can survive almost all environmental conditions
[*]Duration: 5 days
[*]Charges: 3[/list]
Book Reference: p.150, BoM[/size]

Code: Select all

[b]Talisman of Eyes of Thoth[/b]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[list][*]Eyes of Thoth
[*]Charges: 3[/list]
Book Reference: p.150, BoM[/size]

Predat is a very satisfied customer, having found nearly everything he sought, and not being gouged in the process.
(Total Cost: 18,062 gold; already deducted; copy/paste the items below as appropriate to locations on your gear sheet, or to storage as desired)
Pre's purchased items

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing:[/b] 1D6 hit points or 2D6 S.D.C. are restored.

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing:[/b] 1D6 hit points or 2D6 S.D.C. are restored.

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing:[/b] 1D6 hit points or 2D6 S.D.C. are restored.

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing:[/b] 1D6 hit points or 2D6 S.D.C. are restored.

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing:[/b] 1D6 hit points or 2D6 S.D.C. are restored.

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing:[/b] 1D6 hit points or 2D6 S.D.C. are restored.

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing (superior):[/b] 2D6 hit points or 4D6 S.D.C. are restored.

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Invisibility:[/b] Same as spell magic.

Code: Select all

[b](Snuff) Invisibility (lesser):[/b] Same as spell.

Code: Select all

[b](Snuff) Negate Poison:[/b] Same as spell.

Code: Select all

[b](Snuff) Sense Magic:[/b] Same as spell.

Code: Select all

[b]Cloak of Shadows[/b]
[size=85][i]Uncommon Enchanted Item[/i]
A.R.: 8
S.D.C.: 30
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[list][*]Makes wearer is difficult to see in shadows & unobtrusive in lighted areas
[*]+20% to prowl
[*]S.D.C. and A.R. applicable only if somebody tries to destroy it; affords no protection[/list]
Curse: None
History: None
Book Reference: p.258, PFRPG[/size]

Code: Select all

[b]The Ring of Cold Night[/b]
[size=85][i]Rare Enchanted Item[/i]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[list][*]Nightvision 60': 60 minutes; three times daily.
[*]Resist Cold: Two hours; three times daily.[/list]
Curse: Unknown
History: Unknown[/size]

Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Fox »

Perception: [dice]0[/dice] of 39%
Initiative: [dice]1[/dice]
JIC: [dice]2[/dice]
JIC%: [dice]3[/dice]

Fox nods at the Elf, "As expected, I did not think it would be done this swiftly, but as my ally here desired to know where this place was, I thought it easiest to show him and decided asking while I was here would not hurt."

Fox thinks, I fully expect to need to wear my chainmail for this mission. It likely will not be ready before we leave.

He steps aside and lets Durak do the bargaining for what he wants.
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Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Durak »

rolls carried
Fox wrote:"As expected, I did not think it would be done this swiftly, but as my ally here desired to know where this place was, I thought it easiest to show him and decided asking while I was here would not hurt."
"How badly damaged was your armour?" Durak leans his head close to Fox and whispers, "I might be able to help with that.". Durak pats a small hammer attached to his armour.

Durak considers his choices and orders the following;

3 healing potions 1200 gold
3 superior healing potions 2400 gold
3 Sustain talismans 2820 gold
2 Eyes of Thoth talismans 1840 gold

"Are these talismans done and dusted after I have used them or can I get magic put back in them again?" he asks the Elf, curious whether he will need outlay the same sort of money again.
HP 40
SDC 59
Cloak of protection AR12 SDC 50 Impervious to Fire
Bracers AR15
Constant Effects: Nightvision 90ft,
Description: Tall for a Dwarf, with a mottled red/brown beard. His shoulders are generally down as he tries not to attract attention to himself

Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Predat »

Rolls as above.

Pre smiles at the merchant and says, "Thanks for your time. I'll be back." Very nice, I didn't think they would have everything i needed. Will definitely have to come back. Better get back to the base and see what is going on. Pre gathers his items and heads back to the pier.

Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Fox »

(Rolls carried over)

Fox notes, "Fixing bodies is my forte, not fixing armor. I do not think it was badly damaged, but I would not really know."

Fox thinks about the armor, If I had to guess, it was like a person who has taken a few flesh wounds, not badly hurt and able to keep going, but better if the wounds are bound.

He adds, "I have heard only an Alchemist can repair magic armor, have you learned alchemy?"
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Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Tyral »

Perception [74%]: [dice]0[/dice]
D20 JiC: [dice]1[/dice]
D100 JiC: [dice]2[/dice]

PPE: 235/235
SDC: 43/43
HP: 54/54

Conditions: Nightvision: 60', Spell Strength of 15, AR 14 [Ironhide Ring], Sustain [10 Days]

Knowing that he and his trio are heading into a potentially horrific out-numbered situation , the Wizard and his companion canine return looking for a number of items:

OOC: These shouldn't have Rarity:
[2] Rope (40ft) [PFRPG Pg 273, 10 Gold]
[1] Leather Jacket [PFRPG Pg 272, 40 Gold]
[2] Work Pants [PFRPG Pg 272, 12 Gold]
[2] Scarf [PFRPG Pg 272, 2 Gold]
[10] Large Sack [PFRPG Pg 272, 3 Gold]
Saddle [Tatyana Size, if a Horse her Size can be located] [Eastern Territory Pg 121, 80 Gold]
[2] Bridle [Eastern Territory Pg 121, 20 Gold]
[4] Saddlebag [Eastern Territory Pg 121, 10 Gold]
[4] Saddle Blanket [Eastern Territory Pg 121, 6 Gold]

He then looks for few items through several of the Alchemists shops for:

[2] Healing Potions (Superior) [PFRPG Pg 253, 800 Gold]
[4] Screech Bottle [PFRPG Pg 260, 125 Gold]
Environmental Tent (4-Man) [PFRPG Pg 258, 3,500 Gold]
[4] Heart of Flame [PFRPG Pg 254, 100 Gold/Oz]
[4] Smoke Bomb [PFRPG Pg 255, 40-75 Gold]
[2] Stink Bomb (Incense) [PFRPG Pg 255, 75-150 Gold]
Scroll: Circle of Concealment [L7 Spell] [PFRPG Pg 248, 3000-4000 Gold]

Lastly, Tyral will seek to see if he can locate 2 spare mounts:

[1] Riding Horse [Monsters & Animals Pg 206, 1000-4000 Gold] -- To be used as a pack/spare horse
[1] Work Horse (big enough for Tatyana to Ride) [Monsters & Animals Pg 206, 1000-2200 Gold]

OOC: Note that although Llorn is in the Domain of Man, it is also famous for its having trained the Earthshakers (Eastern Territory Pg 109) comprised almost entirely of Ogres (so Llorn has a batch of 1600 huge Mercenaries in the city :) )

Tyral will go to the Bank and obtain whatever funds he needs from his account to complete purchases using deposited funds if necessary.

availability rolls
Healing Potions (Superior)
Research 107%: [dice]3[/dice]
Lore: Magic 127%: [dice]4[/dice]
Charm/Impress 80%: [dice]5[/dice]
Find Contraband 37%: [dice]6[/dice]

Screech Bottle
Research 107%: [dice]7[/dice]
Lore: Magic 127%: [dice]8[/dice]
Charm/Impress 80%: [dice]9[/dice]
Find Contraband 37%: [dice]10[/dice]

Environmental Tent (4-Man)
Research 107%: [dice]11[/dice]
Lore: Magic 127%: [dice]12[/dice]
Charm/Impress 80%: [dice]13[/dice]
Find Contraband 37%: [dice]14[/dice]

Heart of Flame
Research 107%: [dice]15[/dice]
Lore: Magic 127%: [dice]16[/dice]
Charm/Impress 80%: [dice]17[/dice]
Find Contraband 37%: [dice]18[/dice]

Smoke Bomb
Research 107%: [dice]19[/dice]
Lore: Magic 127%: [dice]20[/dice]
Charm/Impress 80%: [dice]21[/dice]
Find Contraband 37%: [dice]22[/dice]

Stink Bomb
Research 107%: [dice]23[/dice]
Lore: Magic 127%: [dice]24[/dice]
Charm/Impress 80%: [dice]25[/dice]
Find Contraband 37%: [dice]26[/dice]

Scroll: Circle of Concealment
Research 107%: [dice]30[/dice]
Lore: Magic 127%: [dice]28[/dice]
Charm/Impress 80%: [dice]29[/dice]
Find Contraband 37%: [dice]27[/dice]

Riding Horse
Research 107%: [dice]31[/dice]
Charm/Impress 80%: [dice]32[/dice]
Find Contraband 37%: [dice]33[/dice]

Work Horse (XL, big enough for Tatyana)
Research 107%: [dice]34[/dice]
Charm/Impress 80%: [dice]35[/dice]
Find Contraband 37%: [dice]36[/dice]
Tyral Oslarelar
• SDC: 43 / 43
• HP: 54 / 54
• PPE: 235/235

Worn: Ironhide Ring [AR of 14], Gryphon Claw Gauntlets [retractable 2d6 claws], Leather Jacket (grey), Silk Shirt, Leather Vest, Work Pants, Boots
Weapons: Staff of Osarelar, Flaming Knife, Dwarven Knife

& Brago the Northern Timber Wolf
• SDC: 74 / 74
• HP: 41 / 41
• PPE: 21 / 21

Abilities: Empathic/Telepathic Link with Tyral: 600', Speech, Nightvision: 40', Perception +1, Heals at 3x natural rate, Impervious to Natural Fire (½ Damage from Magic Fire), See certain invisible beings: 600', Track by Smell 90% (Can Smell Prey 1 Mile away)
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Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Durak »

rolls carried
Fox wrote:(Rolls carried over)

Fox notes, "Fixing bodies is my forte, not fixing armor. I do not think it was badly damaged, but I would not really know."

Fox thinks about the armor, If I had to guess, it was like a person who has taken a few flesh wounds, not badly hurt and able to keep going, but better if the wounds are bound.

He adds, "I have heard only an Alchemist can repair magic armor, have you learned alchemy?"
Durak looks at Fox with a look of annoyance at that suggestion. A dwarf becoming a wizard indeed.

"Not exactly, you will never find a Dwarf taking up the magical arts, Durak explains to Fox, "we can make use of it, but considering what we have forgotten how to do, we know the dangers of magic. On the other hand, there are ways to repair things, especially out in the field."

Once they have finished at the Alchemists, Durak will find a few merchants to sell him the following.

Rope 40ft x2 10gd ea (20)
Book paper 100 sheets, glued 50gd (70)
Ink black (6 ounces) 3gd (73)
charcoal dozen sticks 1 gd (74)
crow quill pen 1gd (75)
5 wood cutting tools (fine) 15gd (90)
4 man tent 100gd (190)
Heavy blanket 6gd (196)
HP 40
SDC 59
Cloak of protection AR12 SDC 50 Impervious to Fire
Bracers AR15
Constant Effects: Nightvision 90ft,
Description: Tall for a Dwarf, with a mottled red/brown beard. His shoulders are generally down as he tries not to attract attention to himself
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Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Archive Account »

Augur wrote:Durak finds a half dozen simple healing potions available, and with help from the elf, manages to find two trinkets (that's total, thus 1 each) which suit his needs.
(940 gold for each of the talismans, 800 gold for the superior healing potion, 400 gold per common healing potion; indicate what you intend to buy)
Like Predat's post, you're also not noticing the quantities.

"Are these talismans done and dusted after I have used them or can I get magic put back in them again?" he asks the Elf, curious whether he will need outlay the same sort of money again.

The young elf nods vigorously. "Aye, sir, but only by the one who instilled the talisman with the spell initially."

Note: there are six (simple) healing potions available and one of everything else listed.
Durak's finds

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing:[/b] 1D6 hit points or 2D6 S.D.C. are restored.

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing (superior):[/b] 2D6 hit points or 4D6 S.D.C. are restored.

Code: Select all

[b]Talisman of Sustain[/b]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[*]Require no food, water, or breath, need only 2 hours of sleep/night. Can survive almost all environmental conditions
[*]Duration: 5 days
[*]Charges: 3[/list]
Book Reference: p.150, BoM[/size]

Code: Select all

[b]Talisman of Eyes of Thoth[/b]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[list][*]Eyes of Thoth
[*]Charges: 3[/list]
Book Reference: p.150, BoM[/size]
(No funds deducted)
Tyral is heartened to discover that, despite the growing famine, most durable goods are not in short supply.
292 gold

Code: Select all

Rope (40')
Rope (40')
Leather Jacket 
Work Pants
Work Pants
Large Sack
Large Sack
Large Sack
Large Sack
Large Sack
Large Sack
Large Sack
Large Sack
Large Sack
Large Sack
Saddle, Karge
Saddle Blanket
Saddle Blanket
Saddle Blanket
Saddle Blanket

Code: Select all


Code: Select all


Code: Select all


Code: Select all

On the more obscure and arcane side of things, however, some things are a bit more scarce, if only in quantity. Still, he's able to find nearly everything sought after.
9,300 gold

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing (superior):[/b] 2D6 hit points or 4D6 S.D.C. are restored.

Code: Select all

[b]Heart of Flame (magic powder):[/b] A phosphorus, quick burning powder that makes a torch sized fire grow three times its size for 1D4 melees.

Code: Select all

[b]Heart of Flame (magic powder):[/b] A phosphorus, quick burning powder that makes a torch sized fire grow three times its size for 1D4 melees.

Code: Select all

[b]Heart of Flame (magic powder):[/b] A phosphorus, quick burning powder that makes a torch sized fire grow three times its size for 1D4 melees.

Code: Select all

[b]Heart of Flame (magic powder):[/b] A phosphorus, quick burning powder that makes a torch sized fire grow three times its size for 1D4 melees.

Code: Select all

[b]Stink Bomb (fume)[/b]: [size=85]Releases a putrid smelling, yellow vapor that fills a 12' radius. People within the radius will gag, eyes water, and vomit unless they flee to at least 12' away. Victims staying in the area are -2 on initiative, -1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and speed is reduced by 30%. Duration: 3D4 melees per bomb.[/size]

Code: Select all

[b]Stink Bomb (fume)[/b]: [size=85]Releases a putrid smelling, yellow vapor that fills a 12' radius. People within the radius will gag, eyes water, and vomit unless they flee to at least 12' away. Victims staying in the area are -2 on initiative, -1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and speed is reduced by 30%. Duration: 3D4 melees per bomb.[/size]

Code: Select all

[b]Smoke Bomb (fume)[/b]: [size=85]6" long tubes, 2" in diameter, armed by lighting a quick burning wick/fuse. Ignites within 8 seconds (4 if fuse is halved), fills a 20'x20' area with smoke. All smoke bombs impair vision of anyone within AoE. Victims inside the cloud cannot see beyond the cloud (or into it if outside the smoke cloud), eyes and nostrils sting, and all are -2 to initiative, strike, parry, or dodge while in the cloud. No saving throw. Smoke bombs come in a variety of colors and scents: black (thick and heavy), grey (thick, charred scent), red (smells of decay), yellow (sulfur odor), purple (sickeningly sweet), blue (cinnamon odor). Duration: 2D4 melees[/size]

Code: Select all

[b]Smoke Bomb (fume)[/b]: [size=85]6" long tubes, 2" in diameter, armed by lighting a quick burning wick/fuse. Ignites within 8 seconds (4 if fuse is halved), fills a 20'x20' area with smoke. All smoke bombs impair vision of anyone within AoE. Victims inside the cloud cannot see beyond the cloud (or into it if outside the smoke cloud), eyes and nostrils sting, and all are -2 to initiative, strike, parry, or dodge while in the cloud. No saving throw. Smoke bombs come in a variety of colors and scents: black (thick and heavy), grey (thick, charred scent), red (smells of decay), yellow (sulfur odor), purple (sickeningly sweet), blue (cinnamon odor). Duration: 2D4 melees[/size]

Code: Select all

[b]Smoke Bomb (fume)[/b]: [size=85]6" long tubes, 2" in diameter, armed by lighting a quick burning wick/fuse. Ignites within 8 seconds (4 if fuse is halved), fills a 20'x20' area with smoke. All smoke bombs impair vision of anyone within AoE. Victims inside the cloud cannot see beyond the cloud (or into it if outside the smoke cloud), eyes and nostrils sting, and all are -2 to initiative, strike, parry, or dodge while in the cloud. No saving throw. Smoke bombs come in a variety of colors and scents: black (thick and heavy), grey (thick, charred scent), red (smells of decay), yellow (sulfur odor), purple (sickeningly sweet), blue (cinnamon odor). Duration: 2D4 melees[/size]

Code: Select all

[b]Smoke Bomb (fume)[/b]: [size=85]6" long tubes, 2" in diameter, armed by lighting a quick burning wick/fuse. Ignites within 8 seconds (4 if fuse is halved), fills a 20'x20' area with smoke. All smoke bombs impair vision of anyone within AoE. Victims inside the cloud cannot see beyond the cloud (or into it if outside the smoke cloud), eyes and nostrils sting, and all are -2 to initiative, strike, parry, or dodge while in the cloud. No saving throw. Smoke bombs come in a variety of colors and scents: black (thick and heavy), grey (thick, charred scent), red (smells of decay), yellow (sulfur odor), purple (sickeningly sweet), blue (cinnamon odor). Duration: 2D4 melees[/size]

Code: Select all

Spell Scroll: Circle of Concealment

Code: Select all

[b]Environmental Tent (4-man)[/b]
[size=85][i]Uncommon Enchanted Item[/i]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[list][*]Circle of protection from elemental forces 
[*]Always dry and warm inside
[*]Does not protect against major acts of nature, or magically induced elemental forces above 4th level strength.[/list]
Curse: None
History: Tent with mystic symbols and enchantment built into the fabric.
Book Reference: p.258, PFRPG[/size]
Depressingly, however, he learns, as did Trask and company earlier, that all animals normally for sale have been purchased...and mostly for slaughter. There's now a growing scarcity of livestock as even draft animals are being slaughtered for food. This potentially bodes very ill for Llorn's long-term future as without animals to plow the fields and haul carts, life is bound to get far more difficult. Consequently, the remaining animals in the city are likely under increasing threat of theft.
(No funds deducted)
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Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Durak »

Perception: 53% [dice]0[/dice]
JIC [dice]1[/dice] [dice]2[/dice]
Augur wrote:Like Predat's post, you're also not noticing the quantities.

"Are these talismans done and dusted after I have used them or can I get magic put back in them again?" he asks the Elf, curious whether he will need outlay the same sort of money again.

The young elf nods vigorously. "Aye, sir, but only by the one who instilled the talisman with the spell initially."

Note: there are six (simple) healing potions available and one of everything else listed.
Durak's finds

(No funds deducted)
"How much would recharging them cost?" Durak asks, opening up his bag to put them all in and hand over the money to pay.

Durak takes both talismans and all the potions on offer.

He will then hunt through the market for the following items;

Rope 40ft x2 10gd ea
Book paper 100 sheets, glued 50gd
Ink black (6 ounces) 3gd
charcoal dozen sticks 1 gd
crow quill pen 1gd
5 wood cutting tools (fine) 15gd
4 man tent 100gd
Heavy blanket 6gd (196gd total)

Durak then looks for a weaponsmith, specifically a dwarven one in order to procure a better axe.

"I am looking for a battle axe, finely honed and weighted, of the finest manufacture that only a Dwarf can provide," he asks once he finds one, not even contemplating a kobold made one, "whilst I am happy to pay for such a weapon to be forged, my need is such that do you have any in stock ready for purchase?"
OOC Comments
Appraise Goods 61% (5%) [dice]3[/dice]
Bartering 56% (+5%) [dice]4[/dice]
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 30% [dice]5[/dice]
Streetwise 60% [dice]6[/dice]
Research 36% [dice]7[/dice]
HP 40
SDC 59
Cloak of protection AR12 SDC 50 Impervious to Fire
Bracers AR15
Constant Effects: Nightvision 90ft,
Description: Tall for a Dwarf, with a mottled red/brown beard. His shoulders are generally down as he tries not to attract attention to himself
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Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Archive Account »

Date: 8 May, 346
Time: 1700
Environment: Late afternoon, gathering storm clouds & increasing winds
Location: Llorn, Grand Bazaar

Valrun's Magic Potions & Powders
Durak finds a half dozen simple healing potions available, and with help from the elf, manages to find two trinkets which suit his needs.

"Are these talismans done and dusted after I have used them or can I get magic put back in them again?" he asks the Elf, curious whether he will need outlay the same sort of money again.

The young elf nods vigorously. "Aye, sir, but only by the one who instilled the talisman with the spell initially."

"How much would recharging them cost?" Durak asks, opening up his bag to put them all in and hand over the money to pay.

The young elf answers, "It varies a bit based on traffic, sir, but on average I believe father charges half price to recharge a talisman of his making." The exchange of items for hard currency proceeds smoothly and Durak's actually wished well by the young elf on his way out.
5,276 gold deducted

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing:[/b] 1D6 hit points or 2D6 S.D.C. are restored.

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing:[/b] 1D6 hit points or 2D6 S.D.C. are restored.

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing:[/b] 1D6 hit points or 2D6 S.D.C. are restored.

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing:[/b] 1D6 hit points or 2D6 S.D.C. are restored.

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing:[/b] 1D6 hit points or 2D6 S.D.C. are restored.

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing:[/b] 1D6 hit points or 2D6 S.D.C. are restored.

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing (superior):[/b] 2D6 hit points or 4D6 S.D.C. are restored.

Code: Select all

[b]Talisman of Sustain[/b]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[*]Require no food, water, or breath, need only 2 hours of sleep/night. Can survive almost all environmental conditions
[*]Duration: 5 days
[*]Charges: 3[/list]
Book Reference: p.150, BoM[/size]

Code: Select all

[b]Talisman of Eyes of Thoth[/b]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[list][*]Eyes of Thoth
[*]Charges: 3[/list]
Book Reference: p.150, BoM[/size]

Code: Select all

Rope (40')
Rope (40')
Book Paper (100 sheets, glued)
Ink, black (6 oz)
Charcoal (12 sticks)
Crow Quill Pen
Wood Cutting Tools (5, fine)
4-Man Tent
Heavy Blanket
Iron-eye's Weaponries
This particular smithy has a narrow facing, but a very deep interior. In the parlor of the smithy two Dwarves are taking down horseshoes from a large pegboard on one wall and filling them into a barrel which is, itself, on a wheeled iron dolly. They're grumbling to one another about shelf space and the decline in demand for livestock equipment. As Durak enters he's overcome with a strange nostalgia as, while the interior is made of wood, every other aspect of the interior conveys a sense of Dwarven culture. The parlor is both warm and humid, and smells faintly of coke ash. One of the Dwarve's turns and greets Durak with a wide smile and a yell, "Brother dwarf! The name's Ember. What can I do for you?"

Durak answers, "I am looking for a battle axe, finely honed and weighted, of the finest manufacture that only a Dwarf can provide. Whilst I am happy to pay for such a weapon to be forged, my need is such that do you have any in stock ready for purchase?"

"Aye, I've four you can take a look at as it pleases you." Each is more finely crafted than the next, with exquisite craftsmanship and decoration. Durak notes that his prices are steep, but well under those of the nearby Steel Anvil.
Selected Axe; 1500 gold

Code: Select all

[b]Battle Axe[/b]
[size=85][list][*]Range: Close Combat
[*]Damage: 3D6
[*]Weight: 4.5 lbs.
[*]Features: Dwarven Manufactured, Superior blade edge, Superior balance
[*]Modifiers: +4 to damage, +2 to parry, +2 to strike
[*]Book Reference: p.268-272, PFRPG[/list][/size]
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Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Tyral »

Augur wrote:
292 gold

Code: Select all

Rope (40')
Rope (40')
Leather Jacket 
Work Pants
Work Pants
Large Sack
Large Sack
Large Sack
Large Sack
Large Sack
Large Sack
Large Sack
Large Sack
Large Sack
Large Sack
Saddle, Large
Saddle Blanket
Saddle Blanket
Saddle Blanket
Saddle Blanket

Code: Select all


Code: Select all


Code: Select all


Code: Select all

9,300 gold

Code: Select all

[b](Potion) Healing (superior):[/b] 2D6 hit points or 4D6 S.D.C. are restored.

Code: Select all

[b]Heart of Flame (magic powder):[/b] A phosphorus, quick burning powder that makes a torch sized fire grow three times its size for 1D4 melees.

Code: Select all

[b]Heart of Flame (magic powder):[/b] A phosphorus, quick burning powder that makes a torch sized fire grow three times its size for 1D4 melees.

Code: Select all

[b]Heart of Flame (magic powder):[/b] A phosphorus, quick burning powder that makes a torch sized fire grow three times its size for 1D4 melees.

Code: Select all

[b]Heart of Flame (magic powder):[/b] A phosphorus, quick burning powder that makes a torch sized fire grow three times its size for 1D4 melees.

Code: Select all

[b]Stink Bomb (fume)[/b]: [size=85]Releases a putrid smelling, yellow vapor that fills a 12' radius. People within the radius will gag, eyes water, and vomit unless they flee to at least 12' away. Victims staying in the area are -2 on initiative, -1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and speed is reduced by 30%. Duration: 3D4 melees per bomb.[/size]

Code: Select all

[b]Stink Bomb (fume)[/b]: [size=85]Releases a putrid smelling, yellow vapor that fills a 12' radius. People within the radius will gag, eyes water, and vomit unless they flee to at least 12' away. Victims staying in the area are -2 on initiative, -1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and speed is reduced by 30%. Duration: 3D4 melees per bomb.[/size]

Code: Select all

[b]Smoke Bomb (fume)[/b]: [size=85]6" long tubes, 2" in diameter, armed by lighting a quick burning wick/fuse. Ignites within 8 seconds (4 if fuse is halved), fills a 20'x20' area with smoke. All smoke bombs impair vision of anyone within AoE. Victims inside the cloud cannot see beyond the cloud (or into it if outside the smoke cloud), eyes and nostrils sting, and all are -2 to initiative, strike, parry, or dodge while in the cloud. No saving throw. Smoke bombs come in a variety of colors and scents: black (thick and heavy), grey (thick, charred scent), red (smells of decay), yellow (sulfur odor), purple (sickeningly sweet), blue (cinnamon odor). Duration: 2D4 melees[/size]

Code: Select all

[b]Smoke Bomb (fume)[/b]: [size=85]6" long tubes, 2" in diameter, armed by lighting a quick burning wick/fuse. Ignites within 8 seconds (4 if fuse is halved), fills a 20'x20' area with smoke. All smoke bombs impair vision of anyone within AoE. Victims inside the cloud cannot see beyond the cloud (or into it if outside the smoke cloud), eyes and nostrils sting, and all are -2 to initiative, strike, parry, or dodge while in the cloud. No saving throw. Smoke bombs come in a variety of colors and scents: black (thick and heavy), grey (thick, charred scent), red (smells of decay), yellow (sulfur odor), purple (sickeningly sweet), blue (cinnamon odor). Duration: 2D4 melees[/size]

Code: Select all

[b]Smoke Bomb (fume)[/b]: [size=85]6" long tubes, 2" in diameter, armed by lighting a quick burning wick/fuse. Ignites within 8 seconds (4 if fuse is halved), fills a 20'x20' area with smoke. All smoke bombs impair vision of anyone within AoE. Victims inside the cloud cannot see beyond the cloud (or into it if outside the smoke cloud), eyes and nostrils sting, and all are -2 to initiative, strike, parry, or dodge while in the cloud. No saving throw. Smoke bombs come in a variety of colors and scents: black (thick and heavy), grey (thick, charred scent), red (smells of decay), yellow (sulfur odor), purple (sickeningly sweet), blue (cinnamon odor). Duration: 2D4 melees[/size]

Code: Select all

[b]Smoke Bomb (fume)[/b]: [size=85]6" long tubes, 2" in diameter, armed by lighting a quick burning wick/fuse. Ignites within 8 seconds (4 if fuse is halved), fills a 20'x20' area with smoke. All smoke bombs impair vision of anyone within AoE. Victims inside the cloud cannot see beyond the cloud (or into it if outside the smoke cloud), eyes and nostrils sting, and all are -2 to initiative, strike, parry, or dodge while in the cloud. No saving throw. Smoke bombs come in a variety of colors and scents: black (thick and heavy), grey (thick, charred scent), red (smells of decay), yellow (sulfur odor), purple (sickeningly sweet), blue (cinnamon odor). Duration: 2D4 melees[/size]

Code: Select all

Spell Scroll: Circle of Concealment

Code: Select all

[b]Environmental Tent (4-man)[/b]
[size=85][i]Uncommon Enchanted Item[/i]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[list][*]Circle of protection from elemental forces 
[*]Always dry and warm inside
[*]Does not protect against major acts of nature, or magically induced elemental forces above 4th level strength.[/list]
Curse: None
History: Tent with mystic symbols and enchantment built into the fabric.
Book Reference: p.258, PFRPG[/size]

Tyral gratefully takes all of the items he is able to locate except the Large Saddle (80 GP) since he was unable to locate a corresponding large mount for Tatyana.

Please deduct 9,512 GP.
Tyral Oslarelar
• SDC: 43 / 43
• HP: 54 / 54
• PPE: 235/235

Worn: Ironhide Ring [AR of 14], Gryphon Claw Gauntlets [retractable 2d6 claws], Leather Jacket (grey), Silk Shirt, Leather Vest, Work Pants, Boots
Weapons: Staff of Osarelar, Flaming Knife, Dwarven Knife

& Brago the Northern Timber Wolf
• SDC: 74 / 74
• HP: 41 / 41
• PPE: 21 / 21

Abilities: Empathic/Telepathic Link with Tyral: 600', Speech, Nightvision: 40', Perception +1, Heals at 3x natural rate, Impervious to Natural Fire (½ Damage from Magic Fire), See certain invisible beings: 600', Track by Smell 90% (Can Smell Prey 1 Mile away)
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Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Durak »

rolls carried
Augur wrote:The young elf answers, "It varies a bit based on traffic, sir, but on average I believe father charges half price to recharge a talisman of his making." The exchange of items for hard currency proceeds smoothly and Durak's actually wished well by the young elf on his way out.
Durak nods to the young elf and takes his leave.
Certainly worth considering if these work as advertised.
He makes his way around the market, picking up the other items he is looking for before spotting a blacksmith.

Augur wrote:"Aye, I've four you can take a look at as it pleases you." Each is more finely crafted than the next, with exquisite craftsmanship and decoration. Durak notes that his prices are steep, but well under those of the nearby Steel Anvil.
"Thank you Ember, these all look to be fine pieces."

Durak takes a close look at all of them and providing Ember allows, he tests each one in turn. He settles on the most exquisite axe available, recognising the quality of the work.
OOC Comments
4: +4 to damage & +2 to parry and strike--2500% x1.5 gold = 1500gold
"Fine work." Durak says, twirling the axe around, "exquisite in fact, and well worth every gold. I shall recommend your wares where possible." He pays Ember and heads off, depositing most of his remaining funds in the Merchants Guildhouse, leaving only 800 gold in his dimension bag.
HP 40
SDC 59
Cloak of protection AR12 SDC 50 Impervious to Fire
Bracers AR15
Constant Effects: Nightvision 90ft,
Description: Tall for a Dwarf, with a mottled red/brown beard. His shoulders are generally down as he tries not to attract attention to himself
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Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Durak »

rolls carried
(AS we are quickly dealing with things and to not drag things out)

As Durak deposits the money from his purse and from his dimension bag, he asks after Evard and how he was now doing.

If he gets some news, good or ill, he thanks whomever he speaks to for letting him know. If it happens to be the persons who hired them before, he offers his services for any other jobs they may require.

If nobody he speaks to knows, he resolves to follow up on this after they return from dealing with the orcs, but asks for his best wishes to be passed along.

He then goes to sign any forms that are needed regarding the orc bounties and then returns to the main group.
OOC Comments
Will add link later
HP 40
SDC 59
Cloak of protection AR12 SDC 50 Impervious to Fire
Bracers AR15
Constant Effects: Nightvision 90ft,
Description: Tall for a Dwarf, with a mottled red/brown beard. His shoulders are generally down as he tries not to attract attention to himself

Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Fox »

Perception: [dice]0[/dice] of 42%
Initiative: [dice]1[/dice]
JIC: [dice]2[/dice]
JIC%: [dice]3[/dice]

Fox continues to follow Durak, passing through with him to various locations, taking a moment to stop by his room and gather up his studded leather armor, as his other armor is still being repaired.

As he does so, he thinks, Durak did not indicate he has become an alchemist, he seemed offended at the idea, therefore, if only an Alchemist can repair magic armor, he can not repair it. I will need this armor until the other one is through being repaired.
OOC Comments
Fox does not know about Durak's magic hammer yet.
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Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Archive Account »

Durak wrote:As Durak deposits the money from his purse and from his dimension bag, he asks after Evard and how he was now doing. If he gets some news, good or ill, he thanks whomever he speaks to for letting him know. If it happens to be the persons who hired them before, he offers his services for any other jobs they may require. If nobody he speaks to knows, he resolves to follow up on this after they return from dealing with the orcs, but asks for his best wishes to be passed along. He then goes to sign any forms that are needed regarding the orc bounties and then returns to the main group.
Evard, as it turns out, is in convalescence and himself and his family under private guard in an undisclosed location for an undisclosed period of time. Guild Master Werrington is only forthcoming with even this much after the two are well out of earshot of anyone else, and wishes Durak gods speed in his journeys.
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Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Silhouette »

JIC: [dice]0[/dice][dice]1[/dice]
Perc: 63% /[dice]2[/dice]

Traipsing around the bazaar Silhouette always found the atmosphere eclectic. The price of admission here was so steep that only occasionally did you look at a stall and find true trash being hawked. Looking for magic and an item that might help her be more proportionate next time she’s dealing with a wave of filth like down in the sewers, Sil scouts for a Foebane. Singular enchantment: Uncommon, she also wouldn’t say turn her nose up at finding any additional enchantments. (Two = Rare, Three= V. Rare.)

Attempt for Foebane (Dagger, sword, or long bow), (one, two, or three enchants as luck would have it.)
Invoke Trust: 70% / [dice]3[/dice] Under percentile
Appraise goods 32% / [dice]4[/dice] Under percentile
Archaeology 27%/ [dice]5[/dice]
Barter 27%/ [dice]6[/dice] Under percentile
Find Contraband 28%/ [dice]7[/dice]
Streetwise 38%/ [dice]8[/dice] Under percentile
Research 32%/ [dice]9[/dice]
Lore: Magic 72%/ [dice]10[/dice]

Searching through bookstores and other dealers who might not know what they had Silhouette looks for specialized magics which will take priority over all other interests, for more combat magic: (Both rare, 2 successful skill checks possible modifier -10%)

Attempt for: Farseeing (3)
Invoke Trust: 70% / [dice]11[/dice] Under percentile
Appraise goods 32% / [dice]12[/dice]
Archaeology 27%/ [dice]13[/dice]
Barter 27%/ [dice]14[/dice]
Find Contraband 28%/ [dice]15[/dice]
Streetwise 38%/ [dice]16[/dice]
Research 32%/ [dice]17[/dice]
Lore: Magic 72%/ [dice]18[/dice]

Attempt for: Mystic Pitching Throw (6)

Invoke Trust: 70% / [dice]19[/dice]
Appraise goods 32% / [dice]20[/dice]
Archaeology 27%/ [dice]21[/dice] Under percentile
Barter 27%/ [dice]22[/dice]
Find Contraband 28%/ [dice]23[/dice]
Streetwise 38%/ [dice]24[/dice]
Research 32%/ [dice]25[/dice]
Lore: Magic 72%/ [dice]26[/dice]

Powerful Contact: Rerolling attempt for Mystic PItching Throw "Lore: Magic at 82%" / [dice]27[/dice] Under percentile
P.P.E.: 172/172 | I.S.P.: 59/59 | H.P.: 47/47 | S.D.C.:65/65
Conditions:Sixth Sense, Recognize various magics(see O.O.C. special abilities)
Armor: Hard Leather (AR11 / 30/30 SDC
Weapon: Short bow (back) & Dagger behind armor; Bone staff in hand

Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by EBAH »

Date: 8 May, 345
Time: 1700
Environment: Mixed light rain
Location: Llorn, Grand Bazaar, Honest Tom

Silhouette walks through the Grand Bazaar. She has a couple of specific items in mind as well as a few general ideas for others. Her search first brings her to several bookshops. The results of which come up short handed. Trying her luck with the tents and carts, in the open foyer, results in failure. Thinking that she might not find her magic tomes at the moment, she decides to look for some magic weapons. Eventually finding her way to one of the more well established brick and mortar stores, Honest Tom. Walking through the door she is greeted by a younger male. After inquiring about her ideas and end results, the young man walks over to one of the side counters. He pulls a few items from underneath the counter and grabs a sword from off the wall. ”Well, we just have a few items that sounds like what you need. First we have two daggers, relatively the same. They both have foebane but one does more damage to anything evil. Then the sword is only enchanted with foebane. So, which one of these best suits your fancy?”
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Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Silhouette »

JIC: [dice]0[/dice][dice]1[/dice]
Perc: 63% / [dice]2[/dice]

Nodding Silhouette almost takes one of the daggers in hand before pausing to look at the man known as "Honest" Tom searchingly as she thinks,"Three different ones?" Shaking her head in near disbelief she lightly laughs,"This is lucky!" Turning the daggers over and also checking the sword as she looks them over she shrugs answering the question of which of them interests her,”Well…” Putting the two daggers in one fist Silhouette smiles at the man,”What can I swing for two?” As she says so she lifts the sword in her other hand making a questioning,”Mmm?” As she questions the merchant,"Or three?"
P.P.E.: 172/172 | I.S.P.: 59/59 | H.P.: 47/47 | S.D.C.:65/65
Conditions:Sixth Sense, Recognize various magics(see O.O.C. special abilities)
Armor: Hard Leather (AR11 / 30/30 SDC
Weapon: Short bow (back) & Dagger behind armor; Bone staff in hand

Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by EBAH »

Silhouette wrote:”Well…” Putting the two daggers in one fist Silhouette smiles at the man,”What can I swing for two?” As she says so she lifts the sword in her other hand making a questioning,”Mmm?” As she questions the merchant,"Or three?"
The shop clerk gives Silhouette a perplexing look when she ask about purchasing all three weapons. "Hump. What, do you have a third arm or a tail underneath your clothes, or something." The young man produces a half smile and makes a soft laugh. Pushing his hair out of his eyes before looking down at the counter before looking back at Silhouette. He pauses for a moment. Placing both hands on the counter, he than pushes back. He takes a step back. "Ya' know, I think would be able to let you take the two dagger for about 10,000 gold crowns. All three of them, I'll let them go for about 15,000 gold crowns. So, what tickles your fancy?"

(3,000 for dagger of foebane, 7,000 for dagger if foebane and 2x damage to evil, 5,000 for sword of foebane)
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Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Silhouette »

JIC: [dice]0[/dice][dice]1[/dice]
Perc: 63% / [dice]2[/dice]

Clutching the daggers and now the sword to her chest as if she were a little girl and someone said they were going to take her candies Silhouette pauses in confusion at what the young man said. Expecting some “Young girl, you can’t possibly afford this,” kind of argument it dawns on her that he wasn’t and not even ironically as she rapidly attempts to sheath the daggers without a word, as if her actions alone sealed the agreement between them. Tucking the sword under her arm she tries to find a place for the smaller weapons before she belts out a guffaw almost stabbing herself with the daggers excitedly.

Silhouette titters for a moment uncontrollably trying to take a breath to calm herself as she headily says,”I’ll just use these…” Sheepishly she takes up the weapon’s sheaths and makes to fasten them to herself as she pulls a heavy purse from inside her breastplate. Dropping the bag on the table it lumps out with a thunk as gold sags against the sides of the bag like an old tavern owner’s potbelly shirt threatening to explode.

*Silhouette gives the man 15k in the required coin.*

Each weapon finds a sheath after she ensures that the magic is indeed present for each to determine her most dangerous foes, though the dagger with damage versus evil is arguably impossible. Peering around the shop Silhouette’s mouth drops in wonder at what else he may have here as she compliments him,”You have made a friend of me, I will come back later!”
P.P.E.: 172/172 | I.S.P.: 59/59 | H.P.: 47/47 | S.D.C.:65/65
Conditions:Sixth Sense, Recognize various magics(see O.O.C. special abilities)
Armor: Hard Leather (AR11 / 30/30 SDC
Weapon: Short bow (back) & Dagger behind armor; Bone staff in hand

Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by EBAH »

The young shopkeeper watches wide eyed as Silhouette attempts to gather her new procurements. He lets out a soft chuckle while smiling. "Ya' know. You kinda look like a squirrel gathering her nuts for the winter. You sure you can handle them? They are sharp so ya' got to be careful." The man's smile grows from ear to ear with the heavy thud of Silhouette's coin purse. He carefully recounts what Silhouette counts out. The man ducks below the counter for a moment after the transaction has taken place. ”You have made a friend of me, I will come back later!” Silhouette makes a friendly comment. The shop keeps nods in acknowledgment. "Thank you very much. Well, as long as you have coin, you have a friend in me. Every once in a while we get our hands on some odd trinkets and what bots. You should come back by and check on us every now and again, ya' hear. Is there anything else that you might need?" He waits to see if Silhouette need anything more. The man gives a short wave as she prepares to depart. "Take care out there and have a nice day. Oh, by the way, I don't want to hear that you fell on your own blades, now." The man laughs, to make it known that he means no ill intent with his last comment.
OOC Comments
*Gold has been deducted*

Code: Select all

[b]Dagger of Foebane[/b]
[size=85][i]Uncommon Enchanted Dagger[/i]
Damage: 1d6
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[list][*]Foebane (3x daily): Enables the user to identify the strongest life force (level/hit points/S.D.C/brute strength) among the enemies before him.[/list]
Curse: none
History: none[/size]

Code: Select all

[b]Foebane Dagger of Good[/b]
[size=85][i]Rare Enchanted Dagger[/i]
Damage: 1d6
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[list][*]Double Damage to Evil: Weapon does 2x damage to any Miscreant, Aberrant or Diabolic alignment. Normal damage to targets of any other alignment.
[*]Foebane (3x daily): Enables the user to identify the strongest life force (level/hit points/S.D.C/brute strength) among the enemies before him.
Curse: none
History: none[/size]

Code: Select all

[b]Sword of Foebane[/b]
[size=85][i]Uncommon Enchanted Sword[/i]
Damage: 2d6
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[list][*]Foebane (3x daily): Enables the user to identify the strongest life force (level/hit points/S.D.C/brute strength) among the enemies before him.
Curse: none
History: none[/size]
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Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Ramsis »

Entering the massive area is a little overwhelming to the country dwarf. ”This place is huge, looking for gear is gonna take awhile, but let's get started.’ He will wander and look at stalls till he sees the dwarven smiths. ’Look Proximo, Dwarves!! Now we will get some quality work.’ Ramsis enters the shop.

He looks around as he approaches the counter. When he sees an attendant, speaking in dwarven. ” Excuse me, cousin. I have an unusual request. *shows left hand* Due to a mishap, my hand is stuck like this. I cannot use my berdiche like this. My request is this… can you use the Bardiche to make a glove type weapon that I can strap over this fist. I am looking for pricing and possibilities.” He will place his Bardiche on the counter and wait.
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Re: 17) Grand Bazaar

Post by Ramsis »

Barter 60% / [roll]1d100[/roll]: [86] = 86 [/roll]
Language: Dwarven 70% / [roll]1d100[/roll]: [52] = 52 [/roll]
Metal working (Special): 60% / [roll]1d100[/roll]: [74] = 74 [/roll]

Ramsis walks into the smithy in the Grand Bazaar. Letting out a slow whistle, he walks to the counter. ” Hello again. I have returned to discuss my Berdiche. I am looking to have it made into a pair of bearded axes, maybe throwable? I would like to talk numbers and if it is possible.” He will let Proximo hunt while he talks business.

https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/707417053950296270/ for image example
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